Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2016-02-28 09:58:03
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 5.6.29:
* InnoDB: A new InnoDB configuration option, innodb_tmpdir, allows you to \ 
configure a separate temporary file directory for online ALTER TABLE operations. \ 
This option was introduced to help avoid tmpdir overflows that could occur as a \ 
result of large temporary files created during online ALTER TABLE operations. \ 
innodb_tmpdir is a SESSION variable and can be configured dynamically using a \ 
SET statement.
* yaSSL was upgraded to version 2.3.9. This upgrade corrects an issue in which \ 
yaSSL handled only cases of zero or one leading zeros for the key agreement \ 
instead of potentially any number, which in rare cases could cause connections \ 
to fail when using DHE cipher suites.
* The Valgrind function signature in mysql-test/valgrind.supp was upgraded for \ 
Valgrind 3.11.
* Bugs Fixed
