Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2016-02-29 11:50:55
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 2.7.2:
* The low-level merge machinery has been taught to use CRLF line
  termination when inserting conflict markers to merged contents that
  are themselves CRLF line-terminated.
* "git worktree" had a broken code that attempted to auto-fix
  possible inconsistency that results from end-users moving a
  worktree to different places without telling Git (the original
  repository needs to maintain backpointers to its worktrees, but
  "mv" run by end-users who are not familiar with that fact will
  obviously not adjust them), which actually made things worse
  when triggered.
* "git push --force-with-lease" has been taught to report if the push
  needed to force (or fast-forwarded).
* The emulated "yes" command used in our test scripts has been
  tweaked not to spend too much time generating unnecessary output
  that is not used, to help those who test on Windows where it would
  not stop until it fills the pipe buffer due to lack of SIGPIPE.
* The vimdiff backend for "git mergetool" has been tweaked to arrange
  and number buffers in the order that would match the expectation of
  majority of people who read left to right, then top down and assign
  buffers 1 2 3 4 "mentally" to local base remote merge windows based
  on that order.
* The documentation for "git clean" has been corrected; it mentioned
  that .git/modules/* are removed by giving two "-f", which has never
  been the case.
* Paths that have been told the index about with "add -N" are not
  quite yet in the index, but a few commands behaved as if they
  already are in a harmful way.
