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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2016-10-19 16:45:26
Message id:
Log Message:
Update ruby-padrino and related package to
0.13.3 (August 17th 2016)
FIX #1785 Nested forms and helpers with ERB and Erubis (@ujifgc)
FIX #1847 Shoulda on modern rubies
NEW #1851 Remove RightJS, Riot, Steak support (@ujifgc)
FIX #1872 Implement using partials without Sinatra (@ujifgc)
NEW #1906 Allow shortened mailer render calls with default mailer and \
message names (@ujifgc)
FIX #2013 Delegate padrino and padrino-gen to bundler binstubs (@ujifgc)
FIX #2016 Escape urls in link_to and form_tag (@ujifgc)
FIX #2042 Do not override access control object when registered in multiple \
apps (@nxs6)
FIX #2045 Prevent overwriting params by given query (@namusyaka)
NEW #2050 Update Moneta to 0.8.0 (@basex)
FIX #2052 String#humanize compatibility with AS ~3.2
NEW #2056 Allow Pry as Padrino console shell
FIX #2066 fix reloader with native jruby classes
0.13.2 (May 9th 2016)
FIX #1789 Relax Tilt version to allow Tilt 2 (>= 1.4.1, < 3) (@ujifgc)
WARN #1989 Warn about coming behavior change (@ujifgc)
NEW #1987 Generator now failes with invalid namespace (@ujifgc)
NEW Remove many internal uses of ActiveSupport (@ujifgc)
FIX #2007 Respect Regexp#names at the time of route search (@namusyaka)
FIX #2004 Set default alt attribute for image_tag (@namusyaka)
FIX #2008 Login button on the admin app now looks as expected (@namusyaka)
FIX #2011 Update mongoid database configuration (@serradura)
FIX Remove empty rows and cols from textarea tag (@ujifgc)
FIX #2015 Update broken links in the README and docs (@mariozig)
FIX #2023 Preserve `default_builder` set in configure_apps (@ujifgc)
FIX #2025 Match plugin names with dashes in their names (@wikimatze)
WARN Notice about removing ObjectSpace.classes and ObjectSpace.new_classes \
in 0.14 (@ujifgc)
FIX #2027 Use Module#name instead of Module#to_s (@namusyaka)
NEW Logger option :sanitize_encoding (@ujifgc)
FIX #2006 load missing AR models before calling seeds.rb (@ujifgc)
NEW #1921 Adds `âapi` option for project generator (@ujifgc)
NEW #2032 Adds new `config/initializers` folder loaded during boot (@ujifgc)
FIX #2019 Removes deprecation warning for ActiveRecord (@wikimatze)