Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/nodejs6
From: Filip Hajny
Date: 2017-03-30 18:20:25
Message id:

Log Message:
Update lang/nodejs6 to 6.10.1

- performance: The performance of several APIs has been improved.
  - is up to 35% faster on average.
  - buffer.toJSON() is up to 2859% faster on average.
  - fs.*statSync() functions are now up to 9.3% faster on average.
  - os.loadavg is up to 151% faster.
  - process.memoryUsage() is up to 34% faster.
  - querystring.unescape() for Buffers is 15% faster on average.
  - querystring.stringify() is up to 7.8% faster on average.
  - querystring.parse() is up to 21% faster on average.
- IPC: Batched writes have been enabled for process IPC on platforms
  that support Unix Domain Sockets.
  - Performance gains may be up to 40% for some workloads.
- child_process: spawnSync now returns a null status when child is
  terminated by a signal.
  - This fixes the behavior to act like spawn() does.
- http:
  - Control characters are now always rejected when using
  - Debug messages have been added for cases when headers contain
    invalid values.
- node: Heap statistics now support values larger than 4GB.
- timers: Timer callbacks now always maintain order when interacting
  with domain error handling.
