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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-sp
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2017-12-02 13:09:54
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Update to 1.2.5
Upstream changes:
Changes in version 1.2-5 (2017-06-16)
address error in spplot, leading to display of "Error using packet 1: \
mixture of missing and non missing values for cex"
address warning from Tomas Kalibera's static code checking
Changes in version 1.2-4 (2016-12-21)
fix bug in duplicating objects in C; see \
fix all long/lat-based great circle distance functions; see \ and \
clarified cellcentre.offset documentation, see \
Changes in version 1.2-3 (2016-04-06)
update sp gallery, see
move methods from Imports: to Depends:
improve base plot methods for SpatialGridDataFrame and \
SpatialPixelsDataFrame objects, see \ for examples
improve the graticule labels methods, see ?gridlines
fix hole assignment for triangles, reported in \
as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology drops rownames of coordinates generated, but \
keeps coordinate (column) names from the cellcentre.offset slot of the grid
improve examples in over vignette.
Changes in version 1.2-2 (2016-02-05)
method 'row.names' for 'SpatialPoints' makes unique row names, or drops them.
add a labels method for gridlines, drawing labels under varying angle (see \
gridlines example)
add coercion (“as” methods) from deldir to SpatialLines and SpatialPolygons
migrate sp code base to github
correct [ subsetting when i is all FALSE; report by Francois Rousseau.
add geometry<- method for Spatial, wrapping addAttrToGeom
addressing rbind and docs issues raised by Kent Johnson on r-sig-geo, 5 Dec 2015
get 'row.names' of coords correctly if object is a SpatialPoints
add non-default coercion SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to SpatialPolygons
add comment to SpatialPolygons coerced from SpatialGrid or SpatialPixels
coordinates method for SpatiaLines now retains rownames
Changes in version 1.2-1 (2015-10-17)
spsample.Spatial does no longer generate objects with rownames.
CRS gains argument doCheckCRSArgs, to allow suppression of the default checking
coercion from Lines to SpatialPoints now drops (duplicate) rownames
add coercion from SpatialLines* to SpatialMultiPoints*
improve printing of SpatialMultiPoint* objects
aggregate now passes minDimension to rgeos; explanation of aggregate \
extended in its vignette
depend on rgeos version 0.3-13
merge now accepts "row.names" or 0 for arguments by.x or by.y, for \
compatibility with base::merge.
aggregate now accepts parameter minDimension, introduced for over in 1.2-0, \
and passes it on to over to control when features intersect; see the \
documentation of over and its vignette for details.
SpatialMultiPoints objects with zero features can now exist.
Changes in version 1.2-0 (2015-09-01)
Support for SpatialMultiPoints and SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame objects. \
Where SpatialPoints are set of points, SpatialMultiPoints are sets of point \
sets. SpatialPointsDataFrame objects bind points to attribute values, \
SpatialMultiPointsDataFrame bind point sets to attribute values. Methods \
supported are subsetting ([), plot, spplot, over, and coercion to SpatialPoints \
or SpatialPointsDataFrame. Functions in rgeos support this feature class. See \
also demo(mp).
creating SpatialPoints objects with duplicated coordinate rownames now gives \
a warning, which will become an error in the future.
Support for Google Earth or OpenStreetMap background maps in sp::plot and \
spplot. Maps returned by
function GetMap in package RgoogleMaps
function get_map in package ggmap
are now understood by plotting functions in sp. In particular, sp::plot now \
has an argument bgMap, spplot now has panel functions panel.RgoogleMaps and \
panel.ggmap; See demo(webmap) for examples.
As these maps assume a web mercator projection, sp::plot issues a warning if \
the object to be plotted have a CRS that does not contain \
over methods that are taken care of by rgeos (anything involving \
SpatialLines, or SpatialPolygons-SpatialPolygons) gained an argument \
minDimension, which causes an ordering of returned features by dimension of \
intersection, and the ability to select a minimun dimension (e.g. only \
area-overlap); this uses gRelate, and has a computational cost. Documentation \
found in vignette("over").