Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/global
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2018-01-10 10:51:57
Message id:

Log Message:
global: update to 6.6.1.

Version 6.6.1 - December 16 2017

o gozilla: A critical vulnerability (CVE-2017-17531) was found in a unknown
  function of gozilla(1). It allows remote attackers to execute arbitrary
  code via a crafted URL. All gozilla(1) before GLOBAL-6.6.1 have the vulnerability.
  Now it is fixed.

- What is the unknown function?
Gozilla accepts a URL as an argument, and invokes a web browser with the URL.
Though it is undocumented, it is implied in the online manual as follows:

>         Gozilla can accept not only source files but also text files,
>         directories, HTML files and even URLs, because it is omnivorous.

Version 6.6 - December 12 2017

New facilities:
o gtags: Added support for glob patterns in langmap variable in gtags.conf(5).
  Now, you can treat source files without extension like ctags(1).
  (e.g. :langmap=Make\[Mm]akefile):)

o gozilla: Changed the default browser from 'mozilla' to 'firefox'.
o Updated to adapt to the latest ctags(s).
  Removed: common-ctags-maps
  Updated: exuberant-ctags, universal-ctags

o The --extra option in Exuberant-ctags is renamed
  to --extras (plural) in Universal-ctags for making consistent with
  --kinds-<LANG> and --fields.

o gtags: (parser error) picked up a typedef name as both of definition
  and reference. Now it works.
	typedef struct a A;

	$ global -x A
	A                   1 a.h              typedef struct a A;
	$ global -x A -r
	A                   1 a.h              typedef struct a A;
	no output

o global: the -i option does not work correctly in some conditions.
  Now it works.
o global: didn't accept pattern as a string literal with the --from-here
  option, even if the --literal option was specified. Now, global(1)
  accepts pattern as a string literal with the --literal option.
o libdb: there was 4 Gbyte limitation on the system where `off_t' is 64 bits
  and `long' is 32 bits. Now it is eliminated.
o libparser: php parser was not reset state for each source file.
  So, it was producing unintelligible results. Now it is fixed.
o gozilla: with wrong argument caused segmentation violation.
	$ gozilla -d
	Segmentation fault: 11
  Now it displays usage.
