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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/R-xts
From: Min Sik Kim
Date: 2018-02-03 02:21:18
Message id:
Log Message:
math/R-xts: Update to 0.10.1
o 'ylim' values passed to 'addSeries' and 'addPolygon' via '...' are now
captured and honored.
o 'addPolygon' now checks for ylim of zeros, as 'addSeries' does.
o The 'base::as.Date.numeric' method is no longer over-ridden. The exported,
but not registered, method in zoo should prevent any change in behavior.
o Series added to an existing plot are now given the same index values as
the main panel. There still may be some weird behavior if the new
data does not have observations within the timespan of the main panel data,
but no observations on the same timestamps.
o Existing 'par' values are now captured and reset before returning from
plotting functions.
o User-defined 'col' values are now honored when 'type="h"'.
o Values passed to plotting functions are now copied from the calling
environment. This enables plotting arguments to be objects passed
through multiple layers of function calls.
o Calling as.matrix() on a zero-width xts object now behaves consistently
with zoo, and no longer throws an error.
o Fix weird result in merge.xts() when 'fill' argument is NULL or a zero-
length vector.
o Fixed bug in endpoints() due to sub-second representation error via using
integer division (%/%) with non- integer arguments.
o endpoints() gained sub-second accuracy on Windows.
o plot.xts() no longer errors when called on an object containing a constant
value. It chooses ylim values +/-20% from the series value.
o plot.xts() now places y-axis labels in the same location on the plot,
regardless of data periodicity.
o rbind.xts() now throws an error if passed an xts object with different
number of observations in the index and data (e.g., zero-width).