Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Module-FromPerlVer
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2018-03-21 13:48:22
Message id:

Log Message:
p5-Module-FromPerlVer: update to 0.008001.

-   v0.7.1 Tue Mar 20 21:46:05 CDT 2018

    "git tag --list" fails on some systems.
    Replace "--list" with "-l" and see if that helps.

-   v0.7.0 Mon Mar 19 21:34:25 CDT 2018

    More test code pushed into KwikHaks.
    More boilerplate.

    Replaced execution of dynamic file generation with generated
    MANIFEST that has all of the dynamic content in it. This
    passes "make test" here on an extracted copy of the tarball.
    This leaves me with a 1000+ line MANIFEST but lacking output
    from the original Makfile.PL execution there is no way to
    tell what is killing the make-*-dir execution on about half
    of the systems.

-   v0.6.1 Mon Mar 19 12:50:30 CDT 2018

    One-time-hak of selecting STDERR in order to see output in failing tests
    in CPAN testers.

    Replaced skips with BAIL_OUT in setup for tests; remaining skip is not
    finding git installed, which dodges running the git-based dynamic tests.

-   v0.6.0 Sun Mar 18 22:20:49 CDT 2018

    Add output to Makefile.PL, try to figure out why version directory
    is not being produced.

    Added boilerplate to t/bin/make-* without add'l output. Someday
    these might even work... uses search_bin then search_cwd to locate version & Git
    dir's. Order makes more sense since Makefile.PL will be usual spot
    for exection.

    Push a bit more code into Util for re-use, push searches into
    range of $Bin .. cwd if bin is below cwd. Avoids searching up
    large paths that aren't going to have anything useful in most

-   v0.5.8

    Replace /bin/env with /usr/bin/env as possibly the only thing with a
    more-or-less stable path across systems... Thanks to Thomas Klausner
    for checking this across systems for me.

    Ditto replacing #!/bin/bash with #!/usr/bin/env bash
