Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/editors/nano
From: Sebastian Wiedenroth
Date: 2018-05-15 17:14:10
Message id:

Log Message:
nano: update to 2.9.7

2018.05.15 - GNU nano 2.9.7 "Hvide Sande" adds the option '--afterends'
             for making Ctrl+Right (the nextword function) stop at word
             ends instead of beginnings, accepts multibyte letters for
             the Yes/No/All answers, does emergency saves of changed
             buffers in the unlikely event that nano crashes, adds the
             until-now missing bindable function 'linenumbers', and
             renames the toggles 'constupdate' to 'constantshow' and
             'cuttoend' to 'cutfromcursor', for consistency with the
             corresponding options -- adjust your nanorc files soon.

2018.04.27 - GNU nano 2.9.6 "Gomance" fixes a crash in word completion,
             makes --enable-altrcname work again, improves the fluidity
             of scrolling when using the touchpad, tweaks the syntaxes
             for shell scripts and PO files, makes a replacing session
             go always forward by default, no longer inserts a newline
             after an external spell check of a selected region, always
             accepts the English Y and N (and A) at a yes-no prompt in
             any locale, and solves a few hypothetical bugs.

2018.03.29 - GNU nano 2.9.5 "Kiša pada" changes the way the Scroll-Up
             and Scroll-Down commands work (M-- and M-+): instead of
             keeping the cursor in the same screen position they now
             keep the cursor in the same text position (if possible).
             This version further adds a new color name, "normal",
             which gives the default foreground or background color,
             which is useful when you want to undo some overzealous
             painting by earlier syntax regexes.  Bug fixes include:
             a segfault when trying to insert a file in restricted
             mode, the reading in of a new file being "undoable", a
             slight miswrapping of help texts when --linenumbers was
             used, and the shell syntax coloring the word "tar" in
             file names.
