Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/ruby-capybara
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2018-12-17 16:12:50
Message id:

Log Message:
www/ruby-capybara: update to 3.12.0

# Version 3.12.0
Release date: 2018-11-28

### Added

* Support Ruby 2.6 endless range in Result#[] and query `:between` option
* Pre-registered headless firefox driver :selenium_headless [Andrew Havens]
* Selenium driver now defaults to clearing `sessionStorage` and `localStorage`. \ 
To disable pass `clear_local_storage: false` and/or `clear_session_storage: \ 
false` when creating Capybara::Selenium::Driver instance in your driver \ 

### Fixed

* Raise error if only :x or :y are passed as an offset to click methods

### Removed

* Support for RSpec < 3.5

# Version 3.11.1
Release date: 2018-11-16


* Fixed :link_or_button XPath generation when it has had an expression filter added

# Version 3.11.0
Release date: 2018-11-14

### Added

* Ability for node filters to set detailed error messages
* `Capybara::HTML` Will use `nokogumbo` for HTML parsing if installed
* `Selector#locator_filter` added to allow for dynamic locator in selectors

### Fixed

* Node filters are evaluated in the context of the Selector they are used in to \ 
ensure the correct options are used

# Version 3.10.1
Release date: 2018-11-03

### Fixed

* Fix `aria-label` and `test_id` matching for `link_or_button` selector type - \ 
Issue #2125
* Fixed crash in element path creation for matcher failure messages - Issue #2120

# Version 3.10.0
Release date: 2018-10-23

### Added

* :class filter can now check for class names starting with !
* Selector `xpath`/`css` expression definitions will get filter names from block \ 
parameters if not explicitly provided
* `any_of_selectors` assertions and matchers to complement `all_of_selectors` \ 
and `none_of_selectors`

### Fixed

* Selector `css` expression definiton declared filters now work again
* Cleaned up warnings [Yuji Yaginuma]
* Workaround installation of rspec matcher proxies under jruby by reverting to \ 
the old solution not using prepend, so jruby bugs are not hit - Issue #2115

# Version 3.9.0
Release date: 2018-10-03

### Added

* Selenium with Chrome removes all cookies at session reset instead of just \ 
cookies from current domain if possible
* Support for Regexp for system :id and :class filters where possible
* `using_session` now accepts a session object as well as the name of the \ 
session for users who  manually manage sessions
* The `:field` selector will now find `type = "hidden"` fields if the \ 
`type: "hidden"` filter option is provided
