Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/drupal8
From: Wen Heping
Date: 2019-02-09 01:09:54
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 8.6.9
Remove the patch that included in upstream

Upstream changes:
This is a hotfix release for a regression affecting some Drush installations \ 
that was introduced by the fix for SA-CORE-2019-002. No other fixes are \ 

Changes since 8.6.7

    #2975539 by mondrake, alexpott, marcoscano, desierto: Changing machine name \ 
of image style leads to WSOD when loading widgets that used the old name
    #2859315 by quietone, heddn, jhodgdon: SQL error from profile_fields when \ 
migrating d6 (or d7) to d8 without Profile module
    #2443165 by davidwbarratt, amateescu, HOG, kostyashupenko, yched, Berdir, \ 
andypost, alexpott, tstoeckler, xjm: \ 
Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface\ContentEntityStorageBase::doCreate() assumes \ 
that the bundle is a string
    #2849074 by decafdennis, alexpott, zuuperman, AdamPS, sagesolutions, tucho, \ 
xjm: SiteConfigureForm overrides value from install profile
    #3007716 by Sam152, kevin.dutra, jhedstrom, larowlan: Security update \ 
introduces breaking changes to content moderation
    #2215857 by michielnugter, Lendude, gmercer, tim.plunkett, cferthorney, \ 
marabak, olli, ericmulder1980, TwoD, sanduhrs, stella, dww, nod_: Behaviors get \ 
attached to removed forms
    #3017812 by ibustos, joachim: Language selector is immune to \ 
hook_entity_field_access in entity forms
    #2900883 by larskhansen, GaëlG, kalyansamanta, Chi, tim.plunkett, Gábor \ 
Hojtsy, joachim: Wrong documentation of \ 
    #3027595 by amateescu, pmelab: Incorrect blacklist condition in WorkspaceManager
    #2725259 by sardara, andrewmacpherson, claudiu.cristea, tedbow, \ 
alwaysworking, droplet, techmsi, kwoxer, xjm, alexpott, lauriii, catch, cilefen, \ 
Cottser: [regression] Table Drag handles no longer respond to up/down arrow keys
    Revert "Issue #2725259 by sardara, andrewmacpherson, claudiu.cristea, \ 
tedbow, alwaysworking, droplet, techmsi, kwoxer, xjm, alexpott, @catch, \ 
@cilefen, @Cottser, @lauriii: [regression] Table Drag handles no longer respond \ 
to up/down arrow keys"
    #2725259 by sardara, andrewmacpherson, claudiu.cristea, tedbow, \ 
alwaysworking, droplet, techmsi, kwoxer, xjm, alexpott, @catch, @cilefen, \ 
@Cottser, @lauriii: [regression] Table Drag handles no longer respond to up/down \ 
arrow keys
    #2937073 by tim.plunkett, Saviktor, tedbow: Improve robustness of FieldBlockTest
    #2973713 by quietone, Adita, etecjdo, apmsooner, mikeryan, gnuschichten, \ 
tstoeckler: cache_key source plugin configuration not documented
    #2949555 by quietone, ankitjain28may: Correct the documentation on method \ 
    #3025685 by quietone: Add error msg to assertions in MigrateSourceTestBase
    #3026840 by izus: Fix plural typo in workspaces field
    #3024452 by kfritsche, hchonov, alexpott: \ 
DatabaseStorageExpirable:setWithExpireIfNotExists is not respecting expired
    #2999908 by penyaskito: View more link in recipe cards is not fully translated
    #3028819 by alwaysworking: Update username
    #2916021 by d.olaresko, wengerk, Chi, xjm, dawehner, idebr: Update \ 
"Running tests" section in core.api.php
    #2953995 by kjay, starshaped, rachel_norfolk, Vidushi Mehta, cferthorney, \ 
HAL 9000, Eli-T, markconroy, steveparks: Update the Umami Vegan Chocolate \ 
Brownie recipe
    #3028608 by danharper, Eli-T, markconroy, Not Real: Umami - favicon
    #2940027 by jmsosso: Add change record to @deprecated for AccountInterface
    #2995150 by msankhala, tim.plunkett: Command examples in \ 
core/tests/ are confusing and not executable
    #3024184 by seanB, andrewmacpherson, Kristen Pol: Make the tabbing order \ 
match the visual reading order in MediaLibraryWidget
    #2668416 by Krzysztof Domański, wheatpenny, Lendude, alexpott: Wrong assert \ 
in NodeTitleTest
    #2981870 by Lendude, alexpott: Duplicate BrokenSetUpTest for BrowserTestBase
    #2809513 by Lendude, brentgees: Convert AJAX part of \ 
\Drupal\responsive_image\Tests\ResponsiveImageFieldUiTest to JavascriptTestBase \ 
and the rest to BrowserTestBase
    #3027574 by tuutti: SqlContentEntityStorage no longer update entities with \ 
certain (id) fields
    #3026043 by Berdir: ConfigEntityBase::__sleep() serializes plugin instances \ 
if they were not previously initialized
    #3021395 by quietone, alexpott: \ 
MigrateDrupalTestBase::migrateContent(['translations') does not migrate \ 
    Revert "Issue #3003238 by Sam152, amateescu, Berdir: \ 
EntityStorageException: Default revision can not be deleted in \ 
    #2987418 by quietone, Kristen Pol: Rename MigrateUpgrade tests
    #3003238 by Sam152, amateescu, Berdir: EntityStorageException: Default \ 
revision can not be deleted in content_moderation_entity_revision_delete()
    #3026470 by alexpott, jrockowitz, Joseph Zhao: ArchiveTar is throwing fatal error
    Merged 8.6.7.
    Merged 8.6.6.
    #3015992 by Krzysztof Domański, alexpott, larowlan: Not affecting spacing \ 
in PhpTransliterationTest
    #2998769 by kiamlaluno, quietone, kkalaskar: @see directive used in the \ 
wrong place outputs the wrong HTML markup
    #3000677 by catch, Shane Birley, featherbelly, alexpott, larowlan: Fatal \ 
error after upgrade to 8.6x [due to regression in extension system]
    #2955457 by pfrenssen, Chewie, unrealauk, alexpott, Pol: ConfigFactory \ 
static cache gets polluted with data from config overrides
    #3020142 by mglaman, tim.plunkett: Test module no_transitions_css has \ 
invalid hook_page_attachments
    #3007973 by tim.plunkett, lukasss, xopoc, bnjmnm, stompersly: Layout builder \ 
prevents the rendering of extra fields (like Links) on pages not using Layout \ 
    #3024259 by Pol, alexpott: [PHP 7.3] Fix \ 
EnvironmentTest::providerTestCheckMemoryLimit() notice
    #3023747 by mikelutz, heddn: D6 profile migrations assume stubs, which fail
    #2978922 by brathbone, philipnorton42, msankhala, hardikpandya, alexpott, \ 
siliconmeadow: Improve batch_process() documentation
    #2845975 by quietone, Jo Fitzgerald, aleevas, maxocub, Gábor Hojtsy: \ 
Migrate Drupal 6 user profile field value option translations
    #2701829 by alexpott, andypost, Soul88, Graber, Eduardo Morales, dawehner, \ 
pingwin4eg, catch, Berdir, jibran, httang12: Extension objects should not \ 
implement \Serializable
    #2693727 by mikelutz, sanduhrs, CalebD, ajlib, Lendude, tstoeckler, catch: \ 
Limiting options for exposed Language filters causes errors and doesn't work for \ 
special languages

Changes since 8.6.8:

    #2215857 followup by gaydamaka, timmillwood, alexpott, lauriii: Regression \ 
on Internet Explorer 11
    #3031128 by alexpott, TrevorBradley, indigoxela, catch, cilefen, larowlan, \ 
jibran: Update from 8.6.7 to 8.6.8 warnings - Drupal\Core\Extension\Extension \ 
has no unserializer
    Revert "Issue #2924201 by tim.plunkett, tedbow, larowlan, xjm, jibran, \ 
Kristen Pol: Resolve random failure in LayoutBuilderTest so that it can be added \ 
to HEAD"
    #2924201 by tim.plunkett, tedbow, larowlan, xjm, jibran, Kristen Pol: \ 
Resolve random failure in LayoutBuilderTest so that it can be added to HEAD
