Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/py-awscli
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2019-05-07 10:46:54
Message id:

Log Message:
py-awscli: updated to 1.16.153

api-change:config: Update config command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:sts: Update sts command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:kms: Update kms command to latest version

api-change:xray: Update xray command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version

api-change:codepipeline: Update codepipeline command to latest version
api-change:neptune: Update neptune command to latest version
api-change:managedblockchain: Update managedblockchain command to latest version
api-change:s3control: Update s3control command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version

api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version
api-change:sns: Update sns command to latest version

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:gamelift: Update gamelift command to latest version
api-change:inspector: Update inspector command to latest version
api-change:dynamodb: Update dynamodb command to latest version
api-change:lambda: Update lambda command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version

api-change:alexaforbusiness: Update alexaforbusiness command to latest version
api-change:textract: Update textract command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
bugfix:Cloudformation: Support non-AWS partition regions in CloudFormation \ 
deploy and package.
api-change:mediatailor: Update mediatailor command to latest version
api-change:route53: Update route53 command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:mediaconnect: Update mediaconnect command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:cloudformation: Update cloudformation command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:resource-groups: Update resource-groups command to latest version

api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:worklink: Update worklink command to latest version
api-change:rds: Update rds command to latest version
api-change:kafka: Update kafka command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:discovery: Update discovery command to latest version

api-change:polly: Update polly command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version

api-change:redshift: Update redshift command to latest version
api-change:organizations: Update organizations command to latest version
api-change:cognito-idp: Update cognito-idp command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:mq: Update mq command to latest version
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version

api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version
api-change:iot1click-devices: Update iot1click-devices command to latest version
api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version
api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version

api-change:eks: Update eks command to latest version
api-change:iam: Update iam command to latest version

api-change:batch: Update batch command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version

api-change:acm: Update acm command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:securityhub: Update securityhub command to latest version

api-change:ssm: Update ssm command to latest version
api-change:emr: Update emr command to latest version

api-change:greengrass: Update greengrass command to latest version
api-change:cloudwatch: Update cloudwatch command to latest version
api-change:comprehend: Update comprehend command to latest version

api-change:workspaces: Update workspaces command to latest version
api-change:pinpoint-email: Update pinpoint-email command to latest version
api-change:servicecatalog: Update servicecatalog command to latest version
api-change:medialive: Update medialive command to latest version

api-change:appmesh: Update appmesh command to latest version
api-change:elbv2: Update elbv2 command to latest version
api-change:storagegateway: Update storagegateway command to latest version
api-change:ecs: Update ecs command to latest version
api-change:s3: Update s3 command to latest version
api-change:ec2: Update ec2 command to latest version
api-change:transfer: Update transfer command to latest version

api-change:glue: Update glue command to latest version
api-change:workmail: Update workmail command to latest version

api-change:mediaconvert: Update mediaconvert command to latest version
api-change:iot1click-devices: Update iot1click-devices command to latest version
api-change:iotanalytics: Update iotanalytics command to latest version
api-change:directconnect: Update directconnect command to latest version
api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:robomaker: Update robomaker command to latest version
api-change:fms: Update fms command to latest version

api-change:transcribe: Update transcribe command to latest version
api-change:iot1click-projects: Update iot1click-projects command to latest version
