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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/din
From: Santhosh Raju
Date: 2019-05-11 15:18:49
Message id:
Log Message:
din: Update to 42
Changes since 41:
DIN Is Noise 42 @ Chennai, India
Dedicated to Dad, Mr Narasimhan Sampath [06-10-1943 >> 16-04-2019]
+++ Point Modulator on all curve editors, new for DIN42 +++
+ modulate any point on any bezier curve along horizontal (ie X) and
vertical (ie Y) axis over BPM
+ eg., when done on a waveform, leads to timbral modulation, look @ the FFT :)
+ try on shapeforms too!
+ try on decays, delay feedback and volumes, pitch and range modulation
curves etc etc!
+ to modulate, click on the + button on the Point Modulator panel
+ now pick a point on curve (any vertex or tangent) to modulate
+ DIN draws a dotted line joining a state button to the point on curve
+ nothing is modulating yet
+ change X depth to modulate the point along horizontal axis over BPM
+ the point should start moving along the horizontal
+ change Y depth to modulate the point along vertical axis over BPM
+ change X BPM and Y BPM to change the rate ie speed of modulation of the point
+ when more than one point is modulating,
+ click on None to deselect all modulating points
+ click on a point's state button to change modulation params for just that \
+ use the X depth/BPM, Y depth/BPM spinners to change the params
+ use All, None and Invert to select more than one state button and thus \
more than
one point.
+ use the X depth/BPM, Y depth/BPM spinners to change params for selected \
+ press play button to toggle point modulation of selected points
+ press kill button to kill point modulations of selected points
+ point modulations are saved [and loaded] to [from] disk :)
+++ Captures - mouse capture panel on all curve editors, new for DIN42 +++
+ play, pause and kill captures
+ To record a mouse capture, position mouse on the curve item
that you want to assign the mouse capture, choose Menu > Mouse capture \
> Start,
move mouse as you please and click or ESC to finish.
+ To assign the mouse capture, choose Menu > Mouse capture > Assign and pick
the curve item to assign the mouse capture. You can assign the same mouse
capture to other items by repeating the same.
+ mouse capture is *not* saved to disk [maybe in a future release]
+ Overlay pitch and volume distrubution on microtonal-keyboard:
+ Menu > Misc > Overlay pitch distribution
+ Menu > Misc > Overlay volume distribution
+ Pixels Per Level
+ more pixels, less acurate rendering of distribution but faster
+ less pixels, more accurate rendering of distribution but slower
+ Default is 5 pixels
+ Mirror whole curve or curve vertex/tangent about Horizontal and Vertical axis
+ Swap 2 curves [experimental, only works on editors with 2 curves]
- removed Close button from Menu