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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/allegro
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2019-06-18 19:38:18
Message id:
Log Message:
allegro: Update to - fix build with newer MesaLib.
Changes from 4.4.3 to (March 2019)
* Fix a regression with the dat tool not working with plugins (SiegeLord).
Changes from 4.4.2 to 4.4.3 (February 2019)
* Allow building the dependencies as shared libraries. (Michał Cichoń, Edgar \
* Fix typo preventing get_executable_name from using System V procfs correctly. \
(Peter Wang)
* Relicense loadpng under ZLib license.
* Fix spelling of endianness in textconv (Andreas Rönnquist).
* Fix format string warnings (Andreas Rönnquist).
* Add Linux console tslib mouse "touch screen" driver. (Tobi Vollebregt)
* Don't define a duplicate DLLMain. (SiegeLord)
* Fix Allegro crashes/compilation under 64 bit Windows. (Sven Eden, David Capello)
* Fix possible random crashes on Windows restoring DirectDraw surfaces. (David \
* Make internal function get_value in jpgalleg static. (Trent Gamblin)
* Implemented load_midi_pf, play_fli_pf, open_fli_pf. (Ivan Mogilko)
* Make use of in MSVS 2010 and higher. (Ivan Mogilko)
* Fixes several issues related to fullscreen mode in Windows. (Etienne Vouga)
* Windows: fixed TAB key getting stuck in key buffer when held before ALT. (Ivan \
* Fix building with Mesa 18.2.5 and later. (Andreas Rönnquist)
* Remove f* variants of fixed math functions. (Andreas Rönnquist)
* Fix complilation of datedit. (rofl0r)
* Modernize and fix release zipup script. (rofl0r)