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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2019-08-01 16:14:04
Message id:
Log Message:
lang/php73: update to 7.3.8
01 Aug 2019, PHP 7.3.8
- Core:
. Added syslog.filter=raw option. (Erik Lundin)
. Fixed bug #78212 (Segfault in built-in webserver). (cmb)
- Date:
. Fixed bug #69044 (discrepency between time and microtime). (krakjoe)
. Updated timelib to 2018.02. (Derick)
. Fixed bug #78256 (heap-buffer-overflow on exif_process_user_comment).
(CVE-2019-11042) (Stas)
. Fixed bug #78222 (heap-buffer-overflow on exif_scan_thumbnail).
(CVE-2019-11041) (Stas)
- FTP:
. Fixed bug #78039 (FTP with SSL memory leak). (Nikita)
- Libxml:
. Fixed bug #78279 (libxml_disable_entity_loader settings is shared between
requests (cgi-fcgi)). (Nikita)
- LiteSpeed:
. Updated to LiteSpeed SAPI V7.4.3 (increased response header count limit from
100 to 1000, added crash handler to cleanly shutdown PHP request, added
CloudLinux mod_lsapi mode). (George Wang)
. Fixed bug #76058 (After "POST data can't be buffered", using \
makes huge tmp files). (George Wang)
- Openssl:
. Fixed bug #78231 (Segmentation fault upon stream_socket_accept of exported
socket-to-stream). (Nikita)
- Opcache:
. Fixed bug #78341 (Failure to detect smart branch in DFA pass). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78189 (file cache strips last character of uname hash). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78202 (Opcache stats for cache hits are capped at 32bit NUM).
. Fixed bug #78271 (Invalid result of if-else). (Nikita)
. Fixed bug #78291 (opcache_get_configuration doesn't list all directives).
(Andrew Collington)
. Fixed bug #78338 (Array cross-border reading in PCRE). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78197 (PCRE2 version check in configure fails for \
version strings). (pgnet, Peter Kokot)
- PDO_Sqlite:
. Fixed bug #78192 (SegFault when reuse statement after schema has changed).
(Vincent Quatrevieux)
- Phar:
. Fixed bug #77919 (Potential UAF in Phar RSHUTDOWN). (cmb)
- Phpdbg:
. Fixed bug #78297 (Include unexistent file memory leak). (Nikita)
- SQLite:
. Upgraded to SQLite 3.28.0. (cmb)
- Standard:
. Fixed bug #78241 (touch() does not handle dates after 2038 in PHP 64-bit). (cmb)
. Fixed bug #78269 (password_hash uses weak options for argon2). (Remi)