Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/inspircd3
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2019-08-23 13:01:14
Message id:

Log Message:
inspircd3: Update to 3.3.0

### InspIRCd 3.3.0

* Added PackageInfo directives for ArchLinux.
* Changed the maximum value for `<chanfilter:maxlen>` from 100 to 250.
* Developer: added an experimental header which implements the
  IRCv3 Standard Replies draft:
* Developer: added the OnConnectionFail event for suspending a user connection
which is about to fail.
* Developer: added the `ExtensionItem::{To,From}{Human,Internal,Network}`
methods to convert an extension item to and from various string forms.
* Developer: added the `MessageEventListener` class for adding tags to server
* Developer: added the
`{EventHandler,StreamSocket,UserIOHandler}::SwapInternals` methods to swap the
internals of two sockets.
* Developer: deprecated the ServerEventListener clas and split the events
contained within it into the
* Developer: deprecated the `SerializeFormat` enum, and the `serialize`,
`unserialize` methods of the `ExtensionItem` class, and the `LocalExtItem`
* Fixed a **crash** in the MySQL module when built against mariadb-connector-c
v3.0.5 or newer.
* Fixed allowing the `sasl` capability to be requested when the SASL server is
* Fixed empty `GLOBOPS` and `WALLOPS` messages not failing with an
* Fixed listener sockets with `<bind:replace>` enabled not being replaced in
some circumstances.
* Fixed not applying IRCv3 `server-time` timestamps on the server the source
is connecting from.
* Fixed not being able to use the `O` (oper) extban to server operators with a
space in their server operator type.
* Fixed referring to registration timeouts as ping timeouts in the
`conn_waitpong` module.
* Fixed sending IRCv3 `account-notify` and `chghost` messages to a user who
has not sent the `NICK` and `USER` commands yet.
* Fixed sending IRCv3 `cap-notify` messages for capabilities which are not
presently visible in `CAP LS`.
* Fixed the `geo_maxmind` module trying to interpret an `AF_UNIX` endpoint as
an IP address.
* Improved the message sent to server operators when the maximum connections
for a connect class is reached.
* Updated the vendored `utfcpp` library to v3.1.
