Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/archivers/star
From: Michael Baeuerle
Date: 2020-03-04 12:35:10
Message id:

Log Message:
star: Update to 1.6.1nb5

New features with AN-2020-02-11:

-  star: fixed typos in star.1 and star.4

   Thanks to Eric Ackermann for reporting
   as a side effect of a code review for SchilliX-ON

-  star: fixed typos in header.c

   Thanks to Eric Ackermann for reporting

-  star: translated some German comment to English in diff.c, extract.c,
   list.c, remove.c, restore.c, fifo.c

   Thanks to Eric Ackermann for reporting
   as a side effect of a code review for SchilliX-ON

-  star: create.c: #ifdef __what_people_would_expect__ changed to:
   #ifdef __wrong_but_what_people_would_expect__ for better readability.

-  libschily: new man pages starthandlecond.3 and unhandlecond.3

-  libschily: handlecond.3 and raisecond.3 now correctly mention
   handlecond() & raisecond() instead of handle()/raise(). The old names
   from 1980 had to be renamed because os an unfriendly actt from the
   C standard commitee.

   Thanks to Eric Ackermann for reporting
   as a side effect of a code review for SchilliX-ON

-  libschily: various small fixes in various man pages from libschily.

   Thanks to Eric Ackermann for reporting
   as a side effect of a code review for SchilliX-ON
