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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/libsvm
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2020-03-24 18:21:43
Message id:
Log Message:
libsvm: Update to 3.24
3.24: 2019/9/11
fix compiling issues in matlab/Makefile: use mex only rather than build \
some .o files separately
python interface:
use array for reading data in python/ to lower the \
memory usage
fix a bug in python/ for reading pre-computed kernel
minor improvements and bug fixes
3.23: 2018/7/15
add more digits of predicted file, model file, scaled data and data from \
matlab libsvmwrite: to %.17g
revise svm-scale.c so features in test data that do not appear in training \
data are scaled to zero.
remove unnecessary tab or space in all files
python interface:
add Scipy support
add scaling (csr_find_scale_param and csr_scale functions)
put some utility functions identical in LIBLINEAR to
functions for scaling are put in
sort column indices of csr matrix before training as feature indices must \
be ascending
convert Qt version of svm-toy from Qt4 to Qt5
remove gtk svm-toy because we stop maintaining this tool
minor improvement of descriptions in README
3.22: 2016/12/22
probability output:
if 2 classes, directly output the predited probabilities
rather than run the iterative algorithms for multi-class situations
3.21: 2015/12/14
pre-built windows exe files changed from 32 to 64 bit
matlab interface:
now use #include "../svm.h"
fix some minor issues in make.m of matlab interface