Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/fonts/py-fonttools
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-04-11 09:21:37
Message id:

Log Message:
py-fonttools: updated to 4.7.0

- [cu2qu] Added ``fontTools.cu2qu`` package, imported from the original
  `cu2qu <>`__ project. The \ 
``cu2qu.pens`` module
  was moved to ``fontTools.pens.cu2quPen``. The optional cu2qu extension module
  can be compiled by installing `Cython <>` before \ 
  fonttools from source (i.e. git repo or sdist tarball). The wheel package that
  is published on PyPI (i.e. the one ``pip`` downloads, unless ``--no-binary``
  option is used), will continue to be pure-Python for now

- [varLib] Added support for building variable ``BASE`` table version 1.1
- [CPAL] Added ``fromRGBA`` method to ``Color`` class

- [designspaceLib] Added ``add{Axis,Source,Instance,Rule}Descriptor`` methods to
  ``DesignSpaceDocument`` class, to initialize new descriptor objects using keyword
  arguments, and at the same time append them to the current document
- [unicodedata] Update to Unicode 13.0

- [varLib] Always build ``gvar`` table for TrueType-flavored Variable Fonts,
  even if it contains no variation data. The table is required according to
  the OpenType spec

- [ttx] Annotate ``LookupFlag`` in XML dump with comment explaining what bits
  are set and what they mean
- [feaLib] Added more descriptive message to ``IncludedFeaNotFound`` error

- [woff2] Skip normalizing ``glyf`` and ``loca`` tables if these are missing from
  a font (e.g. in NotoColorEmoji using ``CBDT/CBLC`` tables).
- [timeTools] Use non-localized date parsing in ``timestampFromString``, to fix
  error when non-English ``LC_TIME`` locale is set
- [fontBuilder] Make sure the CFF table generated by fontBuilder can be used by \ 
  without having to compile and decompile the table first. This was breaking in
  converting the CFF table to CFF2 due to some unset attributes

- [colorLib] Added ``fontTools.colorLib.builder`` module, initially with \ 
  and ``buildCPAL`` public functions. More color font formats will follow
- [fontBuilder] Added ``setupCOLR`` and ``setupCPAL`` methods
- [ttGlyphPen] Quantize ``GlyphComponent.transform`` floats to ``F2Dot14`` to fix
  round-trip issue when computing bounding boxes of transformed components
- [glyf] If a component uses reference points (``firstPt`` and ``secondPt``) for
  alignment (instead of X and Y offsets), compute the effective translation offset
  *after* having applied any transform
- [glyf] When all glyphs have zero contours, compile ``glyf`` table data as a single
  null byte in order to pass validation by OTS and Windows
- [feaLib] Parsing feature code now ensures that referenced glyph names are part of
  the known glyph set, unless a glyph set was not provided.
- [varLib] When filling in the default axis value for a missing location of a \ 
source or
  instance, correctly map the value forward.
- [varLib] The avar table can now contain mapping output values that are greater than
  OR EQUAL to the preceeding value, as the avar specification allows this.
- [varLib] The errors of the module are now ordered hierarchically below VarLibError.

- [EBLC/CBLC] Fixed incorrect padding length calculation for Format 3 IndexSubTable
- [varLib] Fixed error when merging OTL tables and TTFonts were loaded as \ 
- [varLib] Allow to use master fonts containing ``CFF2`` table when building VF
- [ttLib] Make ``recalcBBoxes`` option work also with ``CFF2`` table
- [feaLib] Don't reset ``lookupflag`` in lookups defined inside feature blocks.
  They will now inherit the current ``lookupflag`` of the feature. This is what
  Adobe ``makeotf`` also does in this case
- [feaLib] Fixed bug with mixed single/multiple substitutions. If a single \ 
  involved a glyph class, we were incorrectly using only the first glyph in the class

- [feaLib] Do not fail on duplicate multiple substitutions, only warn
- [subset] Optimize SinglePos subtables to Format 1 if all ValueRecords are the same
