Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-msgpack
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-04-11 16:02:50
Message id:

Log Message:
py-msgpack: updated to 1.0.0


Remove Python 2 support from the msgpack/_cmsgpack. msgpack/fallback still \ 
supports Python 2.
Remove encoding option from the Packer and Unpacker.
Unpacker: The default value of max_buffer_type is changed to 100MiB.
Unpacker: strict_map_key is True by default now.
Unpacker: String map keys are interned.
Drop old buffer protocol support.
Support Timestamp type.
Support serializing and decerializing datetime object with tzinfo.
Unpacker: Fix Unpacker.read_bytes() in fallback implementation.


Support Python 3.8.
Update Cython to 0.29.13 for support Python 3.8.
Some small optimizations.


This release is for mitigating pain caused by v0.6.0 reduced max input limits \ 
for security reason.

unpackb(data) configures max_*_len options from len(data), instead of static \ 
default sizes.
Unpacker(max_buffer_len=N) configures max_*_len options from N, instead of \ 
static default sizes.
max_bin_len, max_str_len, and max_ext_len are deprecated. Since this is minor \ 
release, it's document only deprecation.


This release contains some backward incompatible changes for security reason (DoS).

Important changes

unpacker: Default value of input limits are smaller than before to avoid DoS \ 
attack. If you need to handle large data, you need to specify limits manually.
Unpacker doesn't wrap underlaying ValueError (including UnicodeError) into \ 
UnpackValueError. If you want to catch all exception during unpack, you need to \ 
use try ... except Exception with minimum try code block.
PackValueError and PackOverflowError are also removed. You need to catch normal \ 
ValueError and OverflowError.
Unpacker has strict_map_key option now. When it is true, only bytes and str \ 
(unicode in Python 2) are allowed for map keys. It is recommended to avoid \ 
hashdos. Default value of this option is False for backward compatibility \ 
reason. But it will be changed True in 1.0.

Other changes

Extension modules are merged. There is msgpack._cmsgpack instead of \ 
msgpack._packer and msgpack._unpacker.
Add Unpacker.getbuffer() method.
unpacker: msgpack.StackError is raised when input data contains too nested data.
unpacker: msgpack.FormatError is raised when input data is not valid msgpack format.
