Log Message: py-django-reversion: updated to 3.0.7 3.0.7: - Removing deprecated usages of `ugettest_lazy` - Slovenian translation 3.0.6: - Packaging improvements - Removing deprecated usages of `force_text` - Documentation fixes 3.0.5: - Improved performance of `get_deleted` for large datasets - Django 3.0 compatibility - Drops Django < 1.11 compatibility - Fixed errors in manageement commands when `django.contrib.admin` is not in \ `INSTALLED_APPS` 3.0.4: - Remove `django.contrib.admin` dependency from django-reversion. - README refactor - Testing against Django 2.2 3.0.3: - Improved performance of many reversion database queries using `EXISTS` subquery - Added support for Django 2.1 `view` permission 3.0.2: - Removed squashed migrations, as they subtly messed up the Django migrations \ framework 3.0.1: - Added squashed migrations back in to allow older installations to upgrade. - Fixed TypeError exception when accessing m2m_data attribute from a field that \ points to Django’s User model 3.0.0: - **Breaking:** ``Revision.commment`` now contains the raw JSON change message \ generated by django admin, rather than a string. Accesing ``Revision.comment`` directly is no longer recommended. \ Instead, use ``Revision.get_comment()``. - **BREAKING:** django-reversion now uses ``_base_manager`` to calculate deleted \ models, not ``_default_manager``. This change will only affect models that perform default filtering in their \ ``_default_manager`` - Added ``request_creates_revision`` hook to ``RevisionMiddleware`` and \ ``views.create_revision``. - Added ``revision_request_creates_revision`` hook to ``views.RevisionMixinView``. - Added ``--meta`` flag to ``./manage.py createrevisions`` - Fixed bug when reverting deleted nested inlines - Added tests for django 2.1
Revision | Action | file |
1.24 | modify | pkgsrc/www/py-django-reversion/Makefile |
1.13 | modify | pkgsrc/www/py-django-reversion/PLIST |
1.21 | modify | pkgsrc/www/py-django-reversion/distinfo |