Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/net/dnscrypt-proxy2
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2020-06-09 13:07:28
Message id:

Log Message:
dnscrypt-proxy2: Update to 2.0.43

* Version 2.0.43
 - Built-in support for DNS64 translation has been implemented.
(Contributed by Sergey Smirnov, thanks!)
 - Connections to DoH servers can be authenticated using TLS client
certificates (Contributed by Kevin O'Sullivan, thanks!)
 - Multiple stamps are now allowed for a single server in resolvers
and relays lists.
 - Android: the time zone for log files is now set to the system
time zone.
 - Quite a lot of updates and additions have been made to the
example domain block lists. Thanks to `IceCodeNew`!
 - Cached configuration files can now be temporarily used if
they are out of date, but bootstraping is impossible. Contributed by
`lifenjoiner`, thanks!
 - Precompiled macOS binaries are now notarized.
 - `generate-domains-blacklists` now tries to deduplicate entries
clobbered by wildcard rules. Thanks to `Huhni`!
 - `generate-domains-blacklists` can now directly write lists to a
file with the `-o` command-line option.
 - cache files are now downloaded as the user the daemon will be running
as. This fixes permission issues at startup time.
 - Forwarded queries are now subject to global timeouts, and can be
forced to use TCP.
 - The `ct` parameter has been removed from DoH queries, as Google doesn't
require it any more.
 - Service installation is now supported on FreeBSD.
 - When stored into a file, service logs now only contain data from the most
recent launch. This can be changed with the new `log_file_latest` option.
