Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/bc-gh
From: Greg Troxel
Date: 2020-06-19 20:04:05
Message id:

Log Message:
nbc-gh: Update to 3.0.0

Upstream changes:

  multiple bug fixes and minor improvements
  redesign of signal handling (not intended to be user visible)

Besides the following, see NEWS in the sources for details.

  *First, the `2.7.0` release series saw a change in the option parsing. This made
  me change one error message and add a few others. The error message that was
  changed removed one format specifier. This means that `printf()` will seqfault
  on old locale files. Unfortunately, `bc` cannot use any locale files except the
  global ones that are already installed, so it will use the previous ones while
  running tests during install. **If `bc` segfaults while running arg tests when
  updating, it is because the global locale files have not been replaced. Make
  sure to either prevent the test suite from running on update or remove the old
  locale files before updating.** Once this is done, `bc` should install without

  *Second, **the option to build without signal support has been removed**. See
  below for the reasons why.*

  This is a production release with some small bug fixes, a few improvements,
  three major bug fixes, and a complete redesign of `bc`'s error and signal
  handling. **Users and package maintainers should update to this version as soon
  as possible.**
