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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-more-itertools
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-10-01 08:59:14
Message id:
Log Message:
py-more-itertools: updated to 8.5.0
* New itertools
* :func:`windowed_complete` (thanks to MarcinKonowalczyk)
* Changes to existing itertools:
* The :func:`is_sorted` implementation was improved (thanks to cool-RR)
* The :func:`groupby_transform` now accepts a ``reducefunc`` parameter.
* The :func:`last` implementation was improved (thanks to brianmaissy)
* Other changes
* Various documentation fixes (thanks to craigrosie, samuelstjean, PiCT0)
* The tests for :func:`distinct_combinations` were improved (thanks to Minabsapi)
* Automated tests now run on GitHub Actions. All commits now check:
* That unit tests pass
* That the examples in docstrings work
* That test coverage remains high (using `coverage`)
* For linting errors (using `flake8`)
* For consistent style (using `black`)
* That the type stubs work (using `mypy`)
* That the docs build correctly (using `sphinx`)
* That packages build correctly (using `twine`)