Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/security/py-authlib
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-10-10 20:04:53
Message id:

Log Message:
py-authlib: updated to 0.15

Version 0.15

This is the last release before v1.0. In this release, we added more RFCs
implementations and did some refactors for JOSE:

RFC8037: CFRG Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) and Signatures in JSON Object \ 
Signing and Encryption (JOSE)
RFC7638: JSON Web Key (JWK) Thumbprint

We also fixed bugs for integrations:

Fixed support for HTTPX>=0.14.3
Added OAuth clients of HTTPX back
Fixed parallel token refreshes for HTTPX async OAuth 2 client
Raise OAuthError when callback contains errors

Breaking Change:

The parameter algorithms in JsonWebSignature and JsonWebEncryption
are changed. Usually you don't have to care about it since you won't use it directly.
Whole JSON Web Key is refactored, please check JSON Web Key (JWK)
