Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/ircd-hybrid
From: Santhosh Raju
Date: 2020-11-08 14:54:04
Message id:

Log Message:
chat/ircd-hybrid: Updates to 8.2.34

Changes since 8.2.33:

-- Noteworthy changes in version 8.2.34 (2020-11-01)
* Re-implement backwards compatibility mode for old ircd-hybrid 8.2.23 and below.
  Final removal is scheduled for early 2021.
* For consistency, the `general::network_desc` configuration directive has been
  renamed to `general::network_description`
* Server notices that previously have been sent to user modes +f and +u are now
  sent to user mode +j (reject notices) instead. Due to this change, `unauth` and
  `full` have been removed from eneral::oper_only_umodes`, `general::oper_umodes`,
  and `operator::umodes`.
* User mode +b has been replaced with +f (flood). Spam/flood notices are now sent
  to this user mode. For this, `bots` has been removed from
  `general::oper_only_umodes`, `general::oper_umodes`, and `operator::umodes`.
  `flood` has been added instead to these configuration directives.
* Stricten server/user ID validation. IDs have to be all uppercase everywhere now.
* For a full list of all changes in this release, see <>
