Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/nnn
From: Sijmen J. Mulder
Date: 2020-11-17 15:22:57
Message id:

Log Message:
sysutils/nnn: Update to 3.5

 - compile-in Alexey Tourbin's QSORT macro
 - support Nerd Font patched icons [`make O_NERD=1`]
 - auto-generate static binaries with icons support
 - audit and adapt all plugins for macOS
 - enhance plugin `dups` to delete duplicates interactively
 - plugin `autojump` now supports `jump` and `zoxide`
 - support `gio trash` to Trash [`export NNN_TRASH=2`] (#740)
 - quit program on double Esc in normal mode (#775)
 - ^Space replaces ^K for range selection/clear selection
 - show selection symbol (`+`) next to filename in detail mode (#741)
 - error & quit on Q if no selection, else pick to stdout
 - repeat ^T to cycle sort by time, size and clear
 - option `-U` to show user & group info in status bar
 - option `-J` to disable auto-proceed on select (#713)
 - option `-D` to show dirs in context color with `NNN_FCOLORS`
 - honor option `-C` for context colors
 - show indicators if more entries above/below listing (#744)
 - show missing utility name in flash msg (#753)
 - exit `preview-tabbed` on ^C (#727)
 - invoke GNU sed (_gsed_) on macOS (#728)
 - fix HW cursor moves to wrong line (#735)
 - fix rollover bug with multiline scroll (#743)
 - fix input stream not listed with `-s`/`-S` (#777)
 - fix locker not being invoked
 - make target `upx` for additional binary compression
 - compress auto-generated static binaries with upx
 - make variable `O_NOSSN` to compile out sessions
 - make variable `O_NOUG` to compile out user & group info
