Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/games/woof
From: Michael Baeuerle
Date: 2020-11-30 13:24:52
Message id:

Log Message:
games/woof: Update to 3.0.0

* The player coordinates widget on the Automap is now optional.
* Sounds may now be played in their full length. However, this only
  applies to sounds originating from (removed) map objects, not to
  those that emerge "in the player's head".
* All textures are now always composed, whether they are multi-
  patched or not. Furthermore, two separate composites are created,
  one for opaque and one for translucent mid-textures on 2S walls.
  Additionally, textures may now be arbitrarily tall.
* A new wrapping column getter function has been introduced to allow
  for non-power-of-two wide mid-textures on 2S walls.
* Parts of the renderer have been upgraded to use 64-bit integer types.
* Empty DEHACKED lumps are now skipped.
