Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-test
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2020-12-14 07:21:39
Message id:

Log Message:
py-test: updated to 6.2.0

pytest 6.2.0 (2020-12-12)

Breaking Changes
- pytest now supports python3.6+ only.

- Directly constructing/calling the following classes/functions is now deprecated:
  - ``_pytest.cacheprovider.Cache``
  - ``_pytest.cacheprovider.Cache.for_config()``
  - ``_pytest.cacheprovider.Cache.clear_cache()``
  - ``_pytest.cacheprovider.Cache.cache_dir_from_config()``
  - ``_pytest.capture.CaptureFixture``
  - ``_pytest.fixtures.FixtureRequest``
  - ``_pytest.fixtures.SubRequest``
  - ``_pytest.logging.LogCaptureFixture``
  - ``_pytest.pytester.Pytester``
  - ``_pytest.pytester.Testdir``
  - ``_pytest.recwarn.WarningsRecorder``
  - ``_pytest.recwarn.WarningsChecker``
  - ``_pytest.tmpdir.TempPathFactory``
  - ``_pytest.tmpdir.TempdirFactory``

  These have always been considered private, but now issue a deprecation \ 
warning, which may become a hard error in pytest 7.0.0.

- The ``--strict`` command-line option has been deprecated, use \ 
``--strict-markers`` instead.

  We have plans to maybe in the future to reintroduce ``--strict`` and make it \ 
an encompassing flag for all strictness
  related options (``--strict-markers`` and ``--strict-config`` at the moment, \ 
more might be introduced in the future).

- The ``@pytest.yield_fixture`` decorator/function is now deprecated. Use \ 
:func:`pytest.fixture` instead.

  ``yield_fixture`` has been an alias for ``fixture`` for a very long time, so \ 
can be search/replaced safely.

- pytest now warns about unraisable exceptions and unhandled thread exceptions \ 
that occur in tests on Python>=3.8.
  See :ref:`unraisable` for more information.
- New :fixture:`pytester` fixture, which is identical to :fixture:`testdir` but \ 
its methods return :class:`pathlib.Path` when appropriate instead of \ 

  This is part of the movement to use :class:`pathlib.Path` objects internally, \ 
in order to remove the dependency to ``py`` in the future.

  Internally, the old :class:`Testdir <_pytest.pytester.Testdir>` is now a \ 
thin wrapper around :class:`Pytester <_pytest.pytester.Pytester>`, \ 
preserving the old interface.

- A new hook was added, `pytest_markeval_namespace` which should return a dictionary.
  This dictionary will be used to augment the "global" variables \ 
available to evaluate skipif/xfail/xpass markers.

  Pseudo example


  .. code-block:: python

     def pytest_markeval_namespace():
         return {"color": "red"}


  .. code-block:: python

     @pytest.mark.skipif("color == 'blue'", reason="Color is not \ 
     def test_func():
         assert False

- It is now possible to construct a :class:`~pytest.MonkeyPatch` object directly \ 
as ``pytest.MonkeyPatch()``,
  in cases when the :fixture:`monkeypatch` fixture cannot be used. Previously \ 
some users imported it
  from the private `_pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch` namespace.

  Additionally, :meth:`MonkeyPatch.context <pytest.MonkeyPatch.context>` \ 
is now a classmethod,
  and can be used as ``with MonkeyPatch.context() as mp: ...``. This is the \ 
recommended way to use
  ``MonkeyPatch`` directly, since unlike the ``monkeypatch`` fixture, an \ 
instance created directly
  is not ``undo()``-ed automatically.

- Added an ``__str__`` implementation to the \ 
:class:`~pytest.pytester.LineMatcher` class which is returned from \ 
``pytester.run_pytest().stdout`` and similar. It returns the entire output, like \ 
the existing ``str()`` method.
- Verbose mode now shows the reason that a test was skipped in the test's \ 
terminal line after the "SKIPPED", "XFAIL" or \ 
- The types of builtin pytest fixtures are now exported so they may be used in \ 
type annotations of test functions.
  The newly-exported types are:
  - ``pytest.FixtureRequest`` for the :fixture:`request` fixture.
  - ``pytest.Cache`` for the :fixture:`cache` fixture.
  - ``pytest.CaptureFixture[str]`` for the :fixture:`capfd` and \ 
:fixture:`capsys` fixtures.
  - ``pytest.CaptureFixture[bytes]`` for the :fixture:`capfdbinary` and \ 
:fixture:`capsysbinary` fixtures.
  - ``pytest.LogCaptureFixture`` for the :fixture:`caplog` fixture.
  - ``pytest.Pytester`` for the :fixture:`pytester` fixture.
  - ``pytest.Testdir`` for the :fixture:`testdir` fixture.
  - ``pytest.TempdirFactory`` for the :fixture:`tmpdir_factory` fixture.
  - ``pytest.TempPathFactory`` for the :fixture:`tmp_path_factory` fixture.
  - ``pytest.MonkeyPatch`` for the :fixture:`monkeypatch` fixture.
  - ``pytest.WarningsRecorder`` for the :fixture:`recwarn` fixture.

  Constructing them is not supported (except for `MonkeyPatch`); they are only \ 
meant for use in type annotations.
  Doing so will emit a deprecation warning, and may become a hard-error in \ 
pytest 7.0.

  Subclassing them is also not supported. This is not currently enforced at \ 
runtime, but is detected by type-checkers such as mypy.

- When a comparison between :func:`namedtuple <collections.namedtuple>` \ 
instances of the same type fails, pytest now shows the differing field names \ 
(possibly nested) instead of their indexes.
- :meth:`Node.warn <_pytest.nodes.Node.warn>` now permits any subclass of \ 
:class:`Warning`, not just :class:`PytestWarning <pytest.PytestWarning>`.
- Improved reporting when using ``--collected-only``. It will now show the \ 
number of collected tests in the summary stats.
- Use strict equality comparison for non-numeric types in :func:`pytest.approx` \ 
instead of
  raising :class:`TypeError`.

  This was the undocumented behavior before 3.7, but is now officially a \ 
supported feature.

- New ``--sw-skip`` argument which is a shorthand for ``--stepwise-skip``.
- Added ``'node_modules'`` to default value for :confval:`norecursedirs`.
- :meth:`doClassCleanups <unittest.TestCase.doClassCleanups>` (introduced \ 
in :mod:`unittest` in Python and 3.8) is now called appropriately.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed quadratic behavior and improved performance of collection of items using \ 
autouse fixtures and xunit fixtures.
- Fixed an issue where some files in packages are getting lost from ``--lf`` \ 
even though they contain tests that failed. Regressed in pytest 5.4.0.
-  Directories created by by :fixture:`tmp_path` and :fixture:`tmpdir` are now \ 
considered stale after 3 days without modification (previous value was 3 hours) \ 
to avoid deleting directories still in use in long running test suites.
-  Fixed a crash or hang in :meth:`pytester.spawn \ 
<_pytest.pytester.Pytester.spawn>` when the :mod:`readline` module is \ 
- Fixed handling of recursive symlinks when collecting tests.
- Fixed symlinked directories not being followed during collection. Regressed in \ 
pytest 6.1.0.
- Fixed only one doctest being collected when using ``pytest --doctest-modules \ 

Improved Documentation
- Add more information and use cases about skipping doctests.
- Classes which should not be inherited from are now marked ``final class`` in \ 
the API reference.
- ``_pytest.config.argparsing.Parser.addini()`` accepts explicit ``None`` and \ 
- In pull request section, ask to commit after editing changelog and authors file.

Trivial/Internal Changes
- The ``attrs`` dependency requirement is now >=19.2.0 instead of >=17.4.0.
- `.pyc` files created by pytest's assertion rewriting now conform to the newer \ 
PEP-552 format on Python>=3.7.
  (These files are internal and only interpreted by pytest itself.)
