Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-testthat
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2021-01-01 05:28:36
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-testthat) Updated 3.0.0 to 3.0.1

# testthat 3.0.1

* New `testthat.progress.verbose_skips` option. Set to `FALSE` to stop
  reporting skips as they occur; they will still appear in the summary
  (#1209, @krlmlr).

* `CheckReporter` results have been tweaked based on experiences from running
  R CMD check on many packages. Hopefully it should now be easier to see
  the biggest problems (i.e. failures and errors) while still having
  skips and warnings available to check if needed (#1274). And now the full
  test name is always shown, no matter how long (#1268).

* Catch C++ tests are no longer reported multiple times (#1237) and
  are automatically skipped on Solaris since Catch is not supported (#1257).
  `use_catch()` makes it more clear that your package needs to suggest
  xml2 (#1235).

* `auto_test_package()` works once again (@mbojan, #1211, #1214).

* `expect_snapshot()` gains new `error` argument which controls whether or not
  an error is expected. If an unexpected error is thrown, or an expected error
  is not thrown, `expect_snapshot()` will fail (even on CRAN) (#1200).

* `expect_snapshot_value(style = "deparse")` handles more common R data

* `expect_snapshot_value()` now passes `...` on to `waldo::compare()` (#1222).

* `expect_snapshot_file()` gives a hint as to next steps when a failure
  occurs in non-interactive environments (with help from @maelle, #1179).
  `expect_snapshot_*()` gives a more informative hint when you're running
  tests interactively (#1226).

* `expect_snapshot_*()` automatically removes the `_snaps` directory if
  it's empty (#1180). It also warns if snapshots are discarded because tests
  have duplicated names (#1278, @krlmlr).

* `local_reproducible_output()` now sets the LANGUAGE env var to "en". This
  matches the behaviour of R CMD check in interactive settings (#1213).
  It also now unsets RSTUDIO envvar, instead of setting it to 0 (#1225).

* `RstudioReporter` has been renamed to `RStudioReporter`.

* `skip_if_not()` no longer appends "is not TRUE" to custom messages
  (@dpprdan, #1247).

* `test_that()` now warns (3e only) if code doesn't have braces, since
  that makes it hard to track the source of an error (#1280, @krlmlr).
