Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/grafana
Date: 2021-02-07 18:32:47
Message id:

Log Message:
grafana: Update to 7.4.0

upstream changes:
7.4.0 (2021-02-04)
Features and enhancements

    CDN: Adds support for serving assets over a CDN. #30691, @torkelo
    DashboardLinks: Support variable expression in to tooltip - Issue #30409. \ 
#30569, @huynhsamha
    Explore: Set Explore's GraphNG to be connected. #30707, @ivanahuckova
    InfluxDB: Add http configuration when selecting InfluxDB v2 flavor. #30827, \ 
    InfluxDB: Show all datapoints for dynamically windowed flux query. #30688, \ 
    Loki: Improve live tailing errors. #30517, @ivanahuckova

Bug fixes

    Admin: Fixes so form values are filled in from backend. #30544, @hugohaggmark
    Admin: Fixes so whole org drop down is visible when adding users to org. \ 
#30481, @hugohaggmark
    Alerting: Hides threshold handle for percentual thresholds. #30431, @hugohaggmark
    CloudWatch: Prevent field config from being overwritten. #30437, @sunker
    Decimals: Big Improvements to auto decimals and fixes to auto decimals bug \ 
found in 7.4-beta1. #30519, @torkelo
    Explore: Fix jumpy live tailing. #30650, @ivanahuckova
    Explore: Fix loading visualisation on the top of the new time series panel. \ 
#30553, @ivanahuckova
    Footer: Fixes layout issue in footer. #30443, @torkelo
    Graph: Fixes so only users with correct permissions can add annotations. \ 
#30419, @hugohaggmark
    Mobile: Fixes issue scrolling on mobile in chrome. #30746, @torkelo
    PanelEdit: Trigger refresh when changing data source. #30744, @torkelo
    Panels: Fixes so panels are refreshed when scrolling past them fast. #30784, \ 
    Prometheus: Fix show query instead of Value if no name and metric. #30511, \ 
    TimeSeriesPanel: Fixes default value for Gradient mode. #30484, @torkelo
    Variables: Clears drop down state when leaving dashboard. #30810, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: Fixes display value when using capture groups in regex. #30636, \ 
    Variables: Fixes so queries work for numbers values too. #30602, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: Fixes so text format will show All instead of custom all value. \ 
#30730, @hugohaggmark

Plugin development fixes & changes

    Plugins: Fix failing plugin builds because of wrong internal import. #30439, \ 

7.4.0-beta1 (2021-01-20)
Features and enhancements

    API: Add ID to snapshot API responses. #29600, @AgnesToulet
    AlertListPanel: Add options to sort by Time(asc) and Time(desc). #29764, @dboslee
    AlertListPanel: Changed alert url to to go the panel view instead of panel \ 
edit. #29060, @zakiharis
    Alerting: Add support for Sensu Go notification channel. #28012, @nixwiz
    Alerting: Add support for alert notification query label interpolation. \ 
#29908, @wbrowne
    Annotations: Remove annotation_tag entries as part of annotations cleanup. \ 
#29534, @dafydd-t
    Azure Monitor: Add Microsoft.Network/natGateways. #29479, @JoeyLemur
    Backend plugins: Support Forward OAuth Identity for backend data source \ 
plugins. #27055, @billoley
    Cloud Monitoring: MQL support. #26551, @mtanda
    CloudWatch: Add 'EventBusName' dimension to CloudWatch 'AWS/Events' \ 
namespace. #28402, @tomdaly
    CloudWatch: Add support for AWS DirectConnect ConnectionErrorCount metric. \ 
#29583, @haeringer
    CloudWatch: Add support for AWS/ClientVPN metrics and dimensions. #29055, @marefr
    CloudWatch: Added HTTP API Gateway specific metrics and dimensions. #28780, \ 
    Configuration: Add an option to hide certain users in the UI. #28942, \ 
    Currency: Adds Indonesian IDR currency. #28363, @hiddenrebel
    Dashboards: Delete related data (permissions, stars, tags, versions, \ 
annotations) when deleting a dashboard or a folder. #28826, @AgnesToulet
    Dependencies: Update angularjs to 1.8.2. #28736, @torkelo
    Docker: Use root group in the custom Dockerfile. #28639, @chugunov
    Elasticsearch: Add Moving Function Pipeline Aggregation. #28131, @simianhacker
    Elasticsearch: Add Support for Serial Differencing Pipeline Aggregation. \ 
#28618, @simianhacker
    Elasticsearch: Deprecate browser access mode. #29649, @Elfo404
    Elasticsearch: Interpolate variables in Filters Bucket Aggregation. #28969, \ 
    Elasticsearch: Support extended stats and percentiles in terms order by. \ 
#28910, @simianhacker
    Elasticsearch: View in context feature for logs. #28764, @simianhacker
    Explore/Logs: Alphabetically sort unique labels, labels and parsed fields. \ 
#29030, @ivanahuckova
    Explore/Logs: Update Parsed fields to Detected fields. #28881, @ivanahuckova
    Field overrides: Added matcher to match all fields returned by a specific \ 
query. #28872, @mckn
    Graph: Add support for spline interpolation (smoothing) added in new time \ 
series panel. #4303
    Instrumentation: Add histograms for database queries. #29662, @dafydd-t
    Jaeger: Remove browser access mode. #30349, @zoltanbedi
    LogsPanel: Don't show scroll bars when not needed. #28972, @aocenas
    Loki: Add query type and line limit to query editor in dashboard. #29356, \ 
    Loki: Add query type selector to query editor in Explore. #28817, @ivanahuckova
    Loki: Retry web socket connection when connection is closed abnormally. \ 
#29438, @ivanahuckova
    MS SQL: Integrated security. #30369, @daniellee
    Middleware: Add CSP support. #29740, @aknuds1
    OAuth: Configurable user name attribute. #28286, @alexanderzobnin
    PanelEditor: Render panel field config categories as separate option group \ 
sections. #30301, @dprokop
    Postgres: SSL certification. #30352, @ying-jeanne
    Prometheus: Add support for Exemplars. #28057, @zoltanbedi
    Prometheus: Improve autocomplete performance and remove disabling of dynamic \ 
label lookup. #30199, @ivanahuckova
    Prometheus: Update default query type option to "Both" in Explore \ 
query editor. #28935, @ivanahuckova
    Prometheus: Use customQueryParameters for all queries. #28949, @alexbumbacea
    Security: Prefer server cipher suites for http2. #29379, @bergquist
    Security: Remove insecure cipher suit as default option. #29378, @bergquist
    StatPanels: Add new calculation option for percentage difference. #26369, \ 
    StatPanels: Change default stats option to "Last (not null)". \ 
#28617, @ryantxu
    Table: migrate old-table config to new table config. #30142, @jackw
    Templating: Custom variable edit UI, change options input into textarea. \ 
#28322, @darrylsepeda
    TimeSeriesPanel: The new graph panel now supports y-axis value mapping. \ 
#30272, @torkelo
    Tracing: Tag spans with user login and datasource name instead of id. \ 
#29183, @bergquist
    Transformations: Add "Rename By Regex" transformer. #29281, \ 
    Transformations: Added new transform for excluding and including rows based \ 
on their values. #26884, @Totalus
    Transforms: Add sort by transformer. #30370, @ryantxu
    Variables: Add deprecation warning for value group tags. #30160, @torkelo
    Variables: Added to global variable. #28853, @mckn
    Variables: Adds description field. #29332, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: Adds variables inspection. #25214, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: New Variables are stored immediately. #29178, @hugohaggmark
    Zipkin: Remove browser access mode. #30360, @zoltanbedi

Bug fixes

    API: Query database from /api/health endpoint. #28349, @ceh
    Alerting: Return proper status code when trying to create alert notification \ 
channel with duplicate name or uid. #28043, @jgulick48
    Auth: Fix default maximum lifetime an authenticated user can be logged in. \ 
#30030, @papagian
    Backend: Fix IPv6 address parsing erroneous. #28585, @taciomcosta
    CloudWatch: Make sure stats grow horizontally and not vertically in the \ 
Query Editor. #30106, @sunker
    Cloudwatch: Fix issue with field calculation transform not working properly \ 
with Cloudwatch data. #28761, @torkelo
    Dashboards: Hide playlist edit functionality from viewers and snapshots link \ 
from unauthenticated users. #28992, @jackw
    Data source proxy: Convert 401 HTTP status code from data source to 400. \ 
#28962, @aknuds1
    Decimals: Improving auto decimals logic for high numbers and scaled units. \ 
#30262, @torkelo
    Elasticsearch: Fix date histogram auto interval handling for alert queries. \ 
#30049, @simianhacker
    Elasticsearch: Fix index pattern not working with multiple base sections. \ 
#28348, @tomdaly
    Explore: Clear errors after running a new query. #30367, @ivanahuckova
    Graph: Fixes stacking issues like floating bars when data is not aligned. \ 
#29051, @torkelo
    Graph: Staircase and null value=null calculates auto Y-Min incorrectly \ 
(fixed in new Time series panel). #12995
    Graph: Staircase mode, do now draw line segment from zero when drawing null \ 
values as null (Fixed in new Time series panel). #17838
    Image uploader: Fix uploading of images to GCS. #26493, @gastonqiu
    Influx: Fixes issue with many queries being issued as you type in the \ 
variable query field. #29968, @dprokop
    Logs Panel: Fix inconsistent highlighting. #28971, @ivanahuckova
    Logs Panel: Fixes problem dragging scrollbar inside logs panel. #28974, @aocenas
    Loki: Fix hiding of series in table if labels have number values. #30185, \ 
    Loki: Lower min step to 1ms. #30135, @ivanahuckova
    Loki: Remove showing of unique labels with the empty string value. #30363, \ 
    Loki: Timeseries should not produce 0-values for missing data. #30116, @davkal
    Plugins: Fix panic when using complex dynamic URLs in app plugin routes. \ 
#27977, @cinaglia
    Prometheus: Fix link to Prometheus graph in dashboard. #29543, @ivanahuckova
    Provisioning: Build paths in an os independent way. #29143, @amattheisen
    Provisioning: Fixed problem with getting started panel being added to custom \ 
home dashboard. #28750, @torkelo
    SAML: Fixes bug in processing SAML response with empty element by updating \ 
saml library (Enterprise). #29991, @alexanderzobnin
    SQL: Define primary key for tables without it. #22255, @azhiltsov
    Tracing: Fix issue showing more than 300 spans. #29377, @zoltanbedi
    Units: Changes FLOP/s to FLOPS and some other rates per second units get /s \ 
suffix. #28825, @Berbe
    Variables: Fixes Constant variable persistence confusion. #29407, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: Fixes Textbox current value persistence. #29481, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: Fixes loading with a custom all value in url. #28958, @hugohaggmark
    Variables: Fixes so clicking on Selected in drop down will exclude All value \ 
from selection. #29844, @hugohaggmark

Breaking changes
Constant variables

In order to minimize the confusion with Constant variable usage, we've removed \ 
the ability to make Constant variables visible. This change will also migrate \ 
all existing visible Constant variables to Textbox variables because which we \ 
think this is a more appropriate type of variable for this use case. Issue \ 
Plugin compatibility

We have upgraded AngularJS from version 1.6.6 to 1.8.2. Due to this upgrade some \ 
old angular plugins might stop working and will require a small update. This is \ 
due to the deprecation and removal of pre-assigned bindings. So if your custom \ 
angular controllers expect component bindings in the controller constructor you \ 
need to move this code to an $onInit function. For more details on how to \ 
migrate AngularJS code open the migration guide and search for pre-assigning \ 

In order not to break all angular panel plugins and data sources we have some \ 
custom angular inject behavior that makes sure that bindings for these \ 
controllers are still set before constructor is called so many old angular \ 
panels and data source plugins will still work. Issue #28736
Query variable value group tags

This option to group query variable values into groups by tags has been an \ 
experimental feature since it was introduced. It was introduced to work around \ 
the lack of tags support in time series databases at the time. Now that tags \ 
(ie. labels) are the norm there is no longer any great need for this feature. \ 
This feature will be removed in Grafana v8 later this year. Issue #30160
Plugin development fixes & changes

    AngularPlugins: Angular controller events emitter is now a separate emitter \ 
and not the same as PanelModel events emitter. #30379, @torkelo
    FieldConfig API: Add ability to hide field option or disable it from the \ 
overrides. #29879, @dprokop
    Select: Changes default menu placement for Select from auto to bottom. \ 
#29837, @hugohaggmark
    Collapse: Allow component children to use height: 100% styling. #29776, @aocenas
    DataSourceWithBackend: Throw error if health check fails in \ 
DataSourceWithBackend. #29743, @aocenas
    NodeGraph: Add node graph visualization. #29706, @aocenas
    FieldColor: Handling color changes when switching panel types. #28875, @dprokop
    CodeEditor: Added support for javascript language. #28818, @ae3e
    grafana/toolkit: Allow builds with lint warnings. #28810, @dprokop
    grafana/toolkit: Drop console and debugger statements by default when \ 
building plugin. #28776, @dprokop
    Card: Add new Card component. #28216, @Clarity-89
    FieldConfig: Implementation slider editor (#27592). #28007, @isaozlerfm
    MutableDataFrame: Remove unique field name constraint and values field index \ 
and unused/seldom used stuff. #27573, @torkelo

7.3.7 (2021-01-14)
Bug fixes

    Auth: Add missing request headers to SigV4 middleware allowlist. #30115, @wbrowne
    Elasticsearch: Sort results by index order as well as @timestamp. #29761, \ 
    SAML: Fixes bug in processing SAML response with empty element by updating \ 
saml library (Enterprise). #30179, @alexanderzobnin
    SeriesToRows: Fixes issue in transform so that value field is always named \ 
Value. #30054, @torkelo

7.3.6 (2020-12-17)

    SAML: Fixes encoding/xml SAML vulnerability in Grafana Enterprise. #29875

7.3.5 (2020-12-10)
Features and enhancements

    Alerting: Improve Prometheus Alert Rule error message. #29390, @wbrowne

Bug fixes

    Alerting: Fix alarm message formatting in Dingding. #29482, @tomowang
    AzureMonitor: Fix unit translation for MilliSeconds. #29399, @secustor
    Instrumentation: Fix bug with invalid handler label value for HTTP request \ 
metrics. #29529, @bergquist
    Prometheus: Fixes problem where changing display name in Field tab had no \ 
effect. #29441, @zoltanbedi
    Tracing: Fixed issue showing more than 300 spans. #29377, @zoltanbedi

7.3.4 (2020-11-24)
Bug fixes

    Dashboard: Fixes kiosk state after being redirected to login page and back. \ 
#29273, @torkelo
    InfluxDB: Update flux library to fix support for boolean label values. \ 
#29310, @ryantxu
    Security: Fixes minor security issue with alert notification webhooks that \ 
allowed GET & DELETE requests. #29330, @wbrowne
    Table: Fixes issues with phantom extra 0 for zero values. #29165, @dprokop

7.3.3 (2020-11-17)
Bug fixes

    Cloud monitoring: Fix for multi-value template variable for project \ 
selector. #29042, @papagian
    LogsPanel: Fixes problem dragging scrollbar inside logs panel. #28974, @aocenas
    Provisioning: Fixes application not pinned to the sidebar when it's enabled. \ 
#29084, @alexanderzobnin
    StatPanel: Fixes hanging issue when all values are zero. #29077, @torkelo
    Thresholds: Fixes color assigned to null values. #29010, @torkelo

7.3.2 (2020-11-11)
Features / Enhancements

    CloudWatch Logs: Change how we measure query progress. #28912, @aocenas
    Dashboards / Folders: delete related data (permissions, stars, tags, \ 
versions, annotations) when deleting a dashboard or a folder. #28826, \ 
    Gauge: Improve font size auto sizing. #28797, @torkelo
    Short URL: Cleanup unvisited/stale short URLs. #28867, @wbrowne
    Templating: Custom variable edit UI, change options input into textarea. \ 
#28322, @darrylsepeda

Bug Fixes

    Cloudwatch: Fix issue with field calculation transform not working properly \ 
with Cloudwatch data. #28761, @torkelo
    Dashboard: fix view panel mode for Safari / iOS. #28702, @jackw
    Elasticsearch: Exclude pipeline aggregations from order by options. #28620, \ 
    Panel inspect: Interpolate variables in panel inspect title. #28779, @dprokop
    Prometheus: Fix copy paste behaving as cut and paste. #28622, @aocenas
    StatPanels: Fixes auto min max when latest value is zero. #28982, @torkelo
    TableFilters: Fixes filtering with field overrides. #28690, @hugohaggmark
    Templating: Speeds up certain variable queries for Postgres MySql MSSql. \ 
#28686, @hugohaggmark
    Units: added support to handle negative fractional numbers. #28849, @mckn
    Variables: Fix backward compatibility in custom variable options that \ 
contain colon. #28896, @mckn
