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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/graphics/ivtools
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2021-03-01 10:48:40
Message id:
Log Message:
ivtools: update to 2.0.4a1
Changes: builds again;
August 22nd 2020 ivtools-2.0.3
* add Golang style "%v" format descriptor to comterp print func.
July 5th 2020 ivtools-2.0.2
* Change priority of "$$" (stream) operator to line up with other \
stream operators (i.e. ".." and "**").
June 30th 2020 ivtools-2.0.1
* Fix nested user defined funcs in comterp (the func() command).
* Change isalpha(), isdigit(), and isspace() funcs to return 0 or 1
(instead of the bitmask which is returned for C).
* Add comterp_run utility script for hands-free launching of comterp scripts.
Write scripts with this header:
#! /usr/bin/env comterp_run
* Add csvfilt comterp script as an example of using comterp_run.
After installing both try "csvfilt --help".
June 21st 2020 ivtools-2.0.0
Non-backward compatible changes from ivtools-1.2.11:
* Swap "$$" and "$" operators in comterp. The \
"$$" operator is now stream() (which matches
the other double-character stream operators - "..", "**", \
and ",,") and "$" is now list().
* Reverse the priority of ".." (iterate()) and "**" \
(repeat()), giving ".." precedence over "**".
The reason is because ".." is more complex than "**", like \
multiplication is more complex than
* Remove symmax() and symcnt() commands because they were redundant with symid() \
which accepts
:max and :cnt keywords.
Other changes;
* remove patches directory, sourceforge102203.xml, aclocal.m4, README.cygwin, \
README.ivmkcm, and comtop.tgz
* migrated all CHANGES-* files to a CHANGES directory