Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/gitea
From: Pierre Pronchery
Date: 2021-03-12 12:54:25
Message id:

Log Message:
gitea: updated to 1.13.4

This includes the following security fixes; in 1.13.0:
 * Add Allow-/Block-List for Migrate & Mirrors
 * Prevent git operations for inactive users
 * Disallow urlencoded new lines in git protocol paths if there is a port
 * Mitigate Security vulnerability in the git hook feature
 * Disable DSA ssh keys by default
 * Set TLS minimum version to 1.2
 * Use argon as default password hash algorithm

In 1.13.1:
 * Hide private participation in Orgs
 * Fix escaping issue in diff

In 1.13.2:
 * Prevent panic on fuzzer provided string
 * Add secure/httpOnly attributes to the lang cookie

In 1.13.3:
 * Turn default hash password algorithm back to pbkdf2 from argon2 until we find \ 
a better one

In 1.13.4:
 * Fix issue popups
