Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/py-wagtail
From: Joerg Sonnenberger
Date: 2021-04-06 21:15:02
Message id:

Log Message:
Update www/py-wagtail to 2.12.2:

2.12.2 (18.02.2021)

 * Fix: Pin django-treebeard to <4.5 to prevent migration conflicts (Matt \ 

2.12.1 (16.02.2021)

 * Fix: Ensure aliases are published when the source page is published (Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Make page privacy rules apply to aliases (Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Prevent error when saving embeds that do not include a thumbnail URL \ 
(Cynthia Kiser)
 * Fix: Ensure that duplicate embed records are deleted when upgrading (Matt \ 
 * Fix: Prevent failure when running ` dumpdata` with no arguments \ 
(Matt Westcott)

2.12 (02.02.2021)

 * Added a distinct 'choose' permission for images and documents (Robert Rollins)
 * StreamField values can now be modified in-place (Matt Westcott)
 * Added support for custom admin color themes (Joshua Marantz)
 * Added support for Python 3.9
settings to customise the forms for images and documents (Dan Braghis)
 * Switch pagination icons to use SVG instead of icon fonts (Scott Cranfill)
 * Added string representation to image Format class (Andreas Nüßlein)
 * Support returning None from `register_page_action_menu_item` and \ 
`register_snippet_action_menu_item` to skip registering an item (Vadim Karpenko)
 * Fields on a custom image model can now be defined as required / `blank=False` \ 
(Matt Westcott)
 * Add combined index for Postgres search backend (Will Giddens)
 * Add `Page.specific_deferred` property for accessing specific page instance \ 
without up-front database queries (Andy Babic)
 * Add hash lookup to embeds to support URLs longer than 255 characters (Coen \ 
van der Kamp)
 * Fix: Stop menu icon overlapping the breadcrumb on small viewport widths in \ 
page editor (Karran Besen)
 * Fix: Make sure document chooser pagination preserves the selected collection \ 
when moving between pages (Alex Sa)
 * Fix: Gracefully handle oEmbed endpoints returning non-JSON responses (Matt \ 
 * Fix: Fix unique constraint on WorkflowState for SQL Server compatibility \ 
(David Beitey)
 * Fix: Reinstate chevron on collection dropdown (Mike Brown)
 * Fix: Prevent delete button showing on collection / workflow edit views when \ 
delete permission is absent (Helder Correia)

2.11.5 (18.02.2021)

 * Fix: Pin django-treebeard to <4.5 to prevent migration conflicts (Matt \ 

2.11.4 (16.02.2021)

 * Fix: Prevent delete button showing on collection / workflow edit views when \ 
delete permission is absent (Helder Correia)
 * Fix: Ensure aliases are published when the source page is published (Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Make page privacy rules apply to aliases (Karl Hobley)

2.11.3 (10.12.2020)

 * Fix: Updated project template migrations to ensure that initial homepage \ 
creation runs before addition of locale field (Dan Braghis)
 * Fix: Restore ability to use translatable strings in `LANGUAGES` / \ 
`WAGTAIL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES` settings (Andreas Morgenstern)
 * Fix: Allow `locale` / `translation_of` API filters to be used in combination \ 
with search (Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Prevent error on `create_log_entries_from_revisions` when checking \ 
publish state on a revision that cannot be restored (Kristin Riebe)

2.11.2 (17.11.2020)

 * Add custom finder to support Instagram oEmbed API (Luis Nell)
 * Add custom finder to support Facebook oEmbed API (Cynthia Kiser)
 * Fix: Improve performance of permission check on translations for edit page \ 
(Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Gracefully handle missing Locale records on `Locale.get_active` and \ 
`.localized` (Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Handle `get_supported_language_variant` returning a language variant not \ 
in `LANGUAGES` (Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Reinstate missing icon on settings edit view (Jérôme Lebleu)
 * Fix: Avoid performance and pagination logic issues with a large number of \ 
languages (Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Allow deleting the default locale (Matt Westcott)

2.11.1 (06.11.2020)

 * Fix: Ensure that cached `wagtail_site_root_paths` structures from older \ 
Wagtail versions are invalidated (Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon)
 * Fix: Avoid circular import between wagtail.admin.auth and custom user models \ 
(Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Prevent error on resolving page URLs when a locale outside of \ 
`WAGTAIL_CONTENT_LANGUAGES` is active (Matt Westcott)

2.11 LTS (02.11.2020)

 * Add support for multi-lingual content (Karl Hobley)
 * Add support for aliased pages (Karl Hobley)
 * Add support for hierarchical/nested Collections (Robert Rollins)
 * Extend treebeard's `fix_tree` method with the ability to non-destructively \ 
fix path issues and add a --full option to apply path fixes (Matt Westcott)
 * Add `before_edit_snippet`, `before_create_snippet` and \ 
`before_delete_snippet` hooks and documentation (Karl Hobley. Sponsored by the \ 
Mozilla Foundation)
 * Add `register_snippet_listing_buttons` and \ 
`construct_snippet_listing_buttons` hooks and documentation (Karl Hobley. \ 
Sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation)
 * Add `wagtail --version` to available Wagtail CLI commands (Kalob Taulien)
 * Add `hooks.register_temporarily` utility function for testing hooks (Karl \ 
Hobley. Sponsored by the Mozilla Foundation)
 * Remove `unidecode` and use `anyascii` in for Unicode to ASCII conversion \ 
(Robbie Mackay)
 * Add `render` helper to `RoutablePageMixin` to support serving template \ 
responses according to Wagtail conventions (Andy Babic)
 * Specify minimum Python version in (Vince Salvino)
 * Show user's full name in report views (Matt Westcott)
 * Improve Wagtail admin page load performance by caching SVG icons sprite in \ 
localStorage (Coen van der Kamp)
 * Support SVG icons in ModelAdmin menu items (Scott Cranfill)
 * Support SVG icons in admin breadcrumbs (Coen van der Kamp)
 * Serve PDFs inline in the browser (Matt Westcott)
 * Make document `content-type` and `content-disposition` configurable via \ 
 * Slug generation no longer removes stopwords (Andy Chosak, Scott Cranfill)
 * Add check to disallow StreamField block names that do not match Python \ 
variable syntax (François Poulain)
 * The `BASE_URL` setting is now converted to a string, if it isn't already, \ 
when constructing API URLs (thenewguy)
 * Preview from 'pages awaiting moderation' now opens in a new window (Cynthia Kiser)
 * Add document extension validation if `WAGTAIL_DOCS_EXTENSIONS` is set \ 
(Meghana Bhange)
 * Use `django-admin` command in place of `` (minusf)
 * Add `register_snippet_action_menu_item` and `construct_snippet_action_menu` \ 
hooks to modify the actions available when creating / editing a snippet (Karl \ 
 * Moved `generate_signature` and `verify_signature` functions into \ 
`wagtail.images.utils` (Noah H)
 * Implement `bulk_to_python` on all structural StreamField block types (Matt \ 
 * Add natural key support to `GroupCollectionPermission` (Jim Jazwiecki)
 * Implement `prepopulated_fields` for `wagtail.contrib.modeladmin` (David Bramwell)
 * Change `classname` keyword argument on basic StreamField blocks to \ 
`form_classname` (Meghana Bhange)
 * Replace page explorer pushPage/popPage with gotoPage for more flexible \ 
explorer navigation (Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Make page-level actions accessible to keyboard users in page listing \ 
tables (Jesse Menn)
 * Fix: `WAGTAILFRONTENDCACHE_LANGUAGES` was being interpreted incorrectly. It \ 
now accepts a list of strings, as documented (Karl Hobley)
 * Fix: Update oEmbed endpoints to use https where available (Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Revise `edit_handler` bind order in ModelAdmin views and fix duplicate \ 
form instance creation (Jérôme Lebleu)
 * Fix: Properly distinguish child blocks when comparing revisions with nested \ 
StreamBlocks (Martin Mena)
 * Fix: Correctly handle Turkish 'İ' characters in client-side slug generation \ 
(Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Page chooser widgets now reflect custom ``get_admin_display_title`` \ 
methods (Saptak Sengupta)
 * Fix: `Page.copy()` now raises an error if the page being copied is unsaved \ 
(Anton Zhyltsou)
 * Fix: `Page.copy()` now triggers a `page_published` if the copied page is live \ 
(Anton Zhyltsou)
 * Fix: The Elasticsearch `URLS` setting can now take a string on its own \ 
instead of a list (Sævar Öfjörð Magnússon)
 * Fix: Avoid retranslating month / weekday names that Django already provides \ 
(Matt Westcott)
 * Fix: Fixed padding around checkbox and radio inputs (Cole Maclean)
 * Fix: Fix spacing around the privacy indicator panel (Sævar Öfjörð \ 
Magnússon, Dan Braghis)
 * Fix: Consistently redirect to admin home on permission denied (Matt Westcott, \ 
Anton Zhyltsou)
