Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/x11/libfm-qt
From: pin
Date: 2021-04-20 20:01:18
Message id:

Log Message:
x11/libfm-qt: update to 0.17.0

libfm-qt-0-17.1 / 2021-04-16
   - Fixed compilation against Qt5.12.

libfm-qt-0.17.0 / 2021-04-15
  - Fixed compilation with Qt >=5.15.3.
  - Add Alacritty to terminals list.
  - Fixed template renaming before creating.
  - Fixed the localization of LXQt file dialog.
  - Used Qt5.15's Qt::SplitBehavior.
  - Enabled the Group entry of Properties dialog when file belongs to user.
  - Fixed a rare crash on emptying Trash.
  - Used Qt5 signal/slot syntax.
  - Added the missing eject button in a special case.
  - Fixed the xarchiver command to create archives.
  - Launch multiple files associated with the same app together.
  - Added an open-with menu-item to open mixed selections with default apps.
  - Don't try to auto-select hidden files when they aren't shown.
  - Added support for creation time.
  - File dialog: Allow opening of desktop files that are shortcuts.
  - Fixed the size limit for thumbnail creation.
  - Workaround for a bug in QCollator when sorting files.
  - Added a Delete action to trash file context menu.
  - Removed redundant context menu items inside Trash.
  - Silenced the compilation warning about QMatrix.
  - Don't show Unix start time for unsupported times.
  - Set a separate file size limit for external thumbnails.
  - Fixed the emblem positions in compact and detailed views.
  - Guarantee a separator before all custom actions (in context menus).
  - Fixed the sorting by deletion time.
  - Fixed blurred thumbnails with scale factors > 1.
  - Added a missing nullity check in mountoperation.
  - Updated the mimetypes lists of some archivers.
  - Fixed a memory leak in LXQt file dialog.
