Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-remotes
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2021-06-03 16:09:16
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-remotes) Updated 2.2.0 to 2.3.0

# remotes 2.3.0

## Major changes

* `Install_*()`  functions will  no longer  fail by  default if  there
  warnings from `install.packages()`. Concretely  the default value of
  `R_REMOTES_NO_ERRORS_FROM_WARNINGS` has  changed to `true`  from the
  previous value of `false`. (#403)

## Minor improvements and fixes

* `install_bioc()` now respects the environment variable
  R_BIOC_VERSION, and will use the git branch corresponding to this
  Bioconductor version (@bbimber, #580).

* remotes without package names are now unconditionally installed
  (#532, @jakubkovac)

* It is now possible to specify a custom host for dependencies listed
  in the `DESCRIPTION` file with `Remotes:
  <type>[@host]::<username>/<repo>[@ref]`. The `ref` now \ 
supports `/`
  in it for `GitLab` repositories as it did for
  `GitHub`repositories. (@dagola, #448)

* Internal `package2remote()` function now supports local remotes created by pak.

* `github_pat()` will now check if `GITHUB_TOKEN` is set if it cannot
  find `GITHUB_PAT`. (@coatless)

* `system_requirements()` now supports querying released packages as
  well as development dependencies (#545)

* `system_requirements()` now supports OS name + version in the `os`
  argument (#549, @krlmlr).
