Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/matrix-synapse
From: Jonathan Schleifer
Date: 2021-06-05 17:28:02
Message id:

Log Message:
Update chat/matrix-synapses to 1.35.1

Synapse 1.35.1 (2021-06-03)


- Fix a bug introduced in v1.35.0 where invite-only rooms would be shown to all \ 
users in a space, regardless of if the user had access to it. \ 

Synapse 1.35.0 (2021-06-01)

Note that [the \ 
tag]( and [docker \ 
images]( \ 
for `v1.35.0rc3` were incorrectly built. If you are experiencing issues with \ 
either, it is recommended to upgrade to the equivalent tag or docker image for \ 
the `v1.35.0` release.

Deprecations and Removals

- The core Synapse development team plan to drop support for the [unstable API \ 
of \ 
MSC2858](, \ 
including the undocumented `experimental.msc2858_enabled` config option, in \ 
August 2021. Client authors should ensure that their clients are updated to use \ 
the stable API (which has been supported since Synapse 1.30) well before that \ 
time, to give their users time to upgrade. \ 


- Fixed a bug causing replication requests to fail when receiving a lot of \ 
events via federation. Introduced in v1.33.0. \ 
- Fix HTTP response size limit to allow joining very large rooms over \ 
federation. Introduced in v1.33.0. \ 

Internal Changes

- Log method and path when dropping request due to size limit. \ 

Synapse 1.35.0rc2 (2021-05-27)


- Fix a bug introduced in v1.35.0rc1 when calling the spaces summary API via a \ 
GET request. ([\#10079](

Synapse 1.35.0rc1 (2021-05-25)


- Add experimental support to allow a user who could join a restricted room to \ 
view it in the spaces summary. \ 
([\#9922](, \ 
[\#10007](, \ 
- Reduce memory usage when joining very large rooms over federation. \ 
- Add a configuration option which allows enabling opentracing by user id. \ 
- Enable experimental support for \ 
[MSC2946]( (spaces summary \ 
API) and [MSC3083]( \ 
(restricted join rules) by default. \ 


- Fix a bug introduced in v1.26.0 which meant that `synapse_port_db` would not \ 
correctly initialise some postgres sequences, requiring manual updates \ 
afterwards. ([\#9991](
- Fix `synctl`'s `--no-daemonize` parameter to work correctly with worker \ 
processes. ([\#9995](
- Fix a validation bug introduced in v1.34.0 in the ordering of spaces in the \ 
space summary API. \ 
- Fixed deletion of new presence stream states from database. \ 
([\#10014](, \ 
- Fixed a bug with very high resolution image uploads throwing internal server \ 
errors. ([\#10029](

Updates to the Docker image

- Fix bug introduced in Synapse 1.33.0 which caused a `Permission denied: \ 
'/homeserver.log'` error when starting Synapse with the generated log \ 
configuration. Contributed by Sergio Miguéns Iglesias. \ 

Improved Documentation

- Add hardened systemd files as proposed in \ 
[#9760]( and added them to \ 
`contrib/`. Change the docs to reflect the presence of these files. \ 
- Clarify documentation around SSO mapping providers generating unique IDs and \ 
localparts. ([\#9980](
- Updates to the PostgreSQL documentation (``). \ 
([\#9988](, \ 
- Fix broken link in user directory documentation. Contributed by @junquera. \ 
- Add missing room state entry to the table of contents of room admin API. \ 

Deprecations and Removals

- Removed support for the deprecated `tls_fingerprints` configuration setting. \ 
Contributed by Jerin J Titus. \ 

Internal Changes

- Allow sending full presence to users via workers other than the one that \ 
called `ModuleApi.send_local_online_presence_to`. \ 
- Update comments in the space summary handler. \ 
- Minor enhancements to the `@cachedList` descriptor. \ 
- Split multipart email sending into a dedicated handler. \ 
- Run `black` on files in the `scripts` directory. \ 
- Add missing type hints to `synapse.util` module. \ 
- Simplify a few helper functions. \ 
([\#9984](, \ 
[\#9985](, \ 
- Remove unnecessary property from SQLBaseStore. \ 
- Remove `keylen` param on `LruCache`. \ 
- Update the Grafana dashboard in `contrib/`. \ 
- Add a batching queue implementation. \ 
- Reduce memory usage when verifying signatures on large numbers of events at \ 
once. ([\#10018](
- Properly invalidate caches for destination retry timings every (instead of \ 
expiring entries every 5 minutes). \ 
- Fix running complement tests with Synapse workers. \ 
- Fix typo in `get_state_ids_for_event` docstring where the return type was \ 
incorrect. ([\#10050](
