Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-pylint
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-06-30 08:02:15
Message id:

Log Message:
py-pylint: updated to 2.9.0

What's New in Pylint 2.9.0?
Release date: 2021-06-29

* Python 3.10 is now supported.

* Add type annotations to pyreverse dot files

* Fix missing support for detecting deprecated aliases to existing

* astroid has been upgraded to 2.6.1

* Added various deprecated functions/methods for python 3.10, 3.7, 3.6 and 3.3

* Fix false positive ``useless-type-doc`` on ignored argument using \ 
  when a function was typed using pep484 but not inside the docstring.

* ``setuptools_scm`` has been removed and replaced by ``tbump`` in order to not
  have hidden runtime dependencies to setuptools

* Fix a crash when a test function is decorated with ``@pytest.fixture`` and \ 
astroid can't
  infer the name of the decorator when using ``open`` without ``with``.

* Added ``deprecated-decorator``: Emitted when deprecated decorator is used.

* Added ``ignore-paths`` behaviour. Defined regex patterns are matched against \ 
full file path.

* Fix false negative for ``consider-using-with`` if calls like ``open()`` were \ 
used outside of assignment expressions.

* The warning for ``arguments-differ`` now signals explicitly the difference it \ 
  by naming the argument or arguments that changed and the type of change that \ 

* Suppress ``consider-using-with`` inside context managers.

* Added ``--fail-on`` option to return non-zero exit codes regardless of \ 
``--fail-under`` value.

* numversion tuple contains integers again to fix multiple pylint's plugins that \ 
relied on it

* Fix false-positive ``too-many-ancestors`` when inheriting from builtin classes,
  especially from the ```` module

* Stdlib deprecated modules check is moved to stdlib checker. New deprecated
  modules are added.

* Fix raising false-positive ``no-member`` on abstract properties

* Created new error message called ``arguments-renamed`` which identifies any \ 
changes at the parameter
  names of overridden functions.

* New checker ``consider-using-dict-items``. Emitted  when iterating over \ 
dictionary keys and then
  indexing the same dictionary with the key within loop body.

* Don't emit ``import-error`` if import guarded behind ``if sys.version_info \ 
>= (x, x)``

* Fix incompatibility with Python 3.6.0 caused by ``typing.Counter`` and \ 
``typing.NoReturn`` usage

* New checker ``use-maxsplit-arg``. Emitted either when accessing only the first \ 
or last
  element of ``str.split()``.

* Add ignore_signatures to duplicate code checker

* Fix documentation errors in "Block disables" paragraph of User Guide.

* New checker ``unnecessary-dict-index-lookup``. Emitted when iterating over \ 
dictionary items
  (key-value pairs) and accessing the value by index lookup.

* New checker``consider-using-from-import``. Emitted when a submodule/member of \ 
a package is imported and aliased
  with the same name.

* Allow comma-separated list in ``output-format`` and separate output files for
  each specified format.

* Make ``using-constant-test`` detect constant tests consisting of list literals \ 
like ``[]`` and
  ``[1, 2, 3]``.

* Improved error message of ``unnecessary-comprehension`` checker by providing \ 
code suggestion.

* New checker ``unused-private-member``. Emitted when a private member (i.e., \ 
starts with ``__``) of a class
  is defined but not used.

* Fix false negative of ``consider-using-enumerate`` when iterating over an \ 

* New checker ``invalid-class-object``. Emitted when a non-class is assigned to \ 
a ``__class__`` attribute.

* Fix a crash when a plugin from the configuration could not be loaded and raise \ 
an error
  'bad-plugin-value' instead

* Added handling of floating point values when parsing configuration from \ 

* ``invalid-length-returned``, now also works when nothing at all is returned
  following an upgrade in astroid.

* ``logging-format-interpolation`` and ``logging-not-lazy``, now works on logger
  class created from renamed logging import following an upgrade in astroid.

* Fix false-positive ``no-member`` with generic base class

* Fix ``assigning-non-slot`` false-positive with base that inherits from \ 

* New checker ``invalid-all-format``. Emitted when ``__all__`` has an invalid format,
  i.e. isn't a ``tuple`` or ``list``.

* Fix false positive ``unused-variable`` and ``undefined-variable`` with
  Pattern Matching in Python 3.10

* New checker ``await-outside-async``. Emitted when await is used outside an \ 
async function.

* Clarify documentation for ``typing`` extension.

* Add new extension ``CodeStyleChecker``. It includes checkers that can improve code
  consistency. As such they don't necessarily provide a performance benefit
  and are often times opinionated.

* New checker ``consider-using-tuple``. Emitted when an in-place defined
  list or set can be replaced by a tuple.

* New checker ``consider-using-namedtuple-or-dataclass``. Emitted when \ 
dictionary values
  can be replaced by namedtuples or dataclass instances.

* Fix error that occurred when using ``slice`` as subscript for dict.

* Reduce false-positives around inference of ``.value`` and ``.name``
  properties on ``Enum`` subclasses, following an upgrade in astroid

* Fix issue with ``cached_property`` that caused ``invalid-overridden-method`` error
  when overriding a ``property``.

* Fix ``unused-import`` false positive for imported modules referenced in
  attribute lookups in type comments.

What's New in Pylint 2.8.3?
Release date: 2021-05-31

* Astroid has been pinned to 2.5.6 for the 2.8 branch.
