Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/comms/py-esptool
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-09-09 10:04:23
Message id:

Log Message:
py-esptool: updated to 3.1

Version 3.1

New Features

Support for ESP32-C3 SoC has been added
Added --encrypt-files option to specify which files need encryption before flashing.
Added --use_segments option for elf2image to use segments instead of sections to \ 
generate the image.
Improved the write_flash timeout calculation and status message.
Support for detecting ESP8285 versions -N08, -N16, -H08, and -H16 has been added.
Added support for all write_reg command forms (including delay and mask \ 
parameters) to flasher stub.
Added merge_bin command to combine binary files on host
Extended the --min-rev argument of elf2image to work on all chips apart from ESP8266.
Added diagnostic warnings about the memory regions needing to be erased during a \ 
flash write
Added --after no_reset_stub option to keep the flasher stub running and allow \ 
its repeated usage.
Added support for the USB-JTAG-Serial peripheral of ESP32-C3.

Added custom command-line argument to allow calling from other Python scripts.
Added --aes-xts option to encrypt/decrypt flash data files with AES-XTS \ 
algorithm on the S2 and C3.
Fixed handling of files to forbid empty output and re-writing input.

Added custom command-line argument to allow calling from other Python scripts.
Added security measures to prevent burning custom multicast MAC address.
Fixed errors when burning and read-protecting an efuse at the same time
Fixed burning of SPI pins configuration efuses

Internal features

These features are intended for use inside Espressif:

Support for ESP32-S3-beta3 & ESP32-C6-beta have been added. These SoCs are \ 
not generally available, so they are unsupported in this release. Official \ 
support will be added in a later esptool release.
Support for 32-bit addressing to enable 32/64MB flash memory chips on the S3.

Bug Fixes

Fixed error outputs when installing from pip.
Increased the timeout for writing to flash to improve stability
Fixed failing dump_mem overall bytes read message.
Allowed the write_mem mask argument to be optional to match with its usage \ 
example on Wiki.
Ensured expand_file_arguments gets called when using custom command-line arguments.
Fixed SecureBoot v2 public key extraction

Miscellaneous Changes

Decomposed port detection logic.
Added flushing after each command before waiting for a reply.
Made it easier to use as a component by permitting passing an already \ 
formed esp object to main()
Added function to merge adjacent sections in elf2image for the use case of \ 
linker scripts that have a large number of sections.
Decoupled esptool reset logic for easier monkey-patching
