Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-astroid
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-09-13 08:50:20
Message id:

Log Message:
py-astroid: updated to 2.7.3

What's New in astroid 2.7.3?
* The transforms related to a module are applied only if this module has not \ 
been explicitly authorized to be imported
  (i.e is not in AstroidManager.extension_package_whitelist). Solves the \ 
following issues if numpy is authorized to be imported
  through the `extension-pkg-allow-list` option.
* Fixed bug in attribute inference from inside method calls.
* Fixed bug in inference for superclass instance methods called
  from the class rather than an instance.
* Fixed bug in inference of chained attributes where a subclass
  had an attribute that was an instance of its superclass.
* Adds a brain for the ctypes module.
* When processing dataclass attributes, exclude the same type hints from \ 
  as from typing.
* Apply dataclass inference to pydantic's dataclasses.

What's New in astroid 2.7.2?
* ``BaseContainer`` is now public, and will replace ``_BaseContainer`` \ 
completely in astroid 3.0.
* The call cache used by inference functions produced by ``inference_tip``
  can now be cleared via ``clear_inference_tip_cache``.
* ``astroid.const.BUILTINS`` and ``astroid.bases.BUILTINS`` are not used \ 
internally anymore
  and will be removed in astroid 3.0. Simply replace this by the string \ 
'builtins' for better
  performances and clarity.
* Add inference for dataclass initializer method.

What's New in astroid 2.7.1?
* When processing dataclass attributes, only do typing inference on collection types.
  Support for instantiating other typing types is left for the future, if desired.
* Fixed LookupMixIn missing from ``astroid.node_classes``.

What's New in astroid 2.7.0?
* Import from ``astroid.node_classes`` and ``astroid.scoped_nodes`` has been \ 
deprecated in favor of
  ``astroid.nodes``. Only the imports from ``astroid.nodes`` will work in \ 
astroid 3.0.0.
* Add support for arbitrary Enum subclass hierachies
* Add inference tips for dataclass attributes, including dataclasses.field calls.
  Also add support for InitVar.
* Adds a brain that deals with dynamic import of `IsolatedAsyncioTestCase` class \ 
of the `unittest` module.
