Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/py-astroid
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2021-10-26 14:20:38
Message id:

Log Message:
py-astroid: updated to 2.8.4

What's New in astroid 2.8.4?
* Fix the ``scope()`` and ``frame()`` methods of ``NamedExpr`` nodes.
  When these nodes occur in ``Arguments``, ``Keyword``  or ``Comprehension`` \ 
nodes these
  methods now correctly point to the outer-scope of the ``FunctionDef``,
  ``ClassDef``, or ``Comprehension``.
* Fix the ``set_local`` function for ``NamedExpr`` nodes.
  When these nodes occur in ``Arguments``, ``Keyword``, or ``Comprehension`` \ 
nodes these
  nodes are now correctly added to the locals of the ``FunctionDef``,
  ``ClassDef``, or ``Comprehension``.

What's New in astroid 2.8.3?
* Add support for wrapt 1.13
* Fixes handling of nested partial functions
* Fix regression with the import resolver
* Fix crash with invalid dataclass field call

What's New in astroid 2.8.2?
Same content than 2.8.2-dev0 / 2.8.1, released in order to fix a
mistake when creating the tag.

What's New in astroid 2.8.1?
* Adds support of type hints inside numpy's brains.
* Enable inference of dataclass import from pydantic.dataclasses.
  This allows the dataclasses brain to recognize pydantic dataclasses.
* Fix regression on ClassDef inference
* Fix regression on Compare node inference
* Extended attrs brain to support the provisional APIs
* Astroid does not trigger it's own deprecation warning anymore.
* Improve brain for ``typing.Callable`` and ``typing.Type``.
* Fix bug with importing namespace packages with relative imports
* The ``is_typing_guard`` and ``is_sys_guard`` functions are deprecated and will
  be removed in 3.0.0. They are complex meta-inference functions that are better
  suited for pylint. Import them from ``pylint.checkers.utils`` instead
  (requires pylint ``2.12``).
* Suppress the conditional between applied brains and dynamic import authorized
  modules. (Revert the "The transforms related to a module are applied only \ 
if this
  module has not been explicitly authorized to be imported" of version 2.7.3)
* Adds a brain to infer the ```` function.

What's New in astroid 2.8.0?
* Add additional deprecation warnings in preparation for astroid 3.0
  * Require attributes for some node classes with ``__init__`` call.
    * ``name`` (``str``) for ``Name``, ``AssignName``, ``DelName``
    * ``attrname`` (``str``) for ``Attribute``, ``AssignAttr``, ``DelAttr``
    * ``op`` (``str``) for ``AugAssign``, ``BinOp``, ``BoolOp``, ``UnaryOp``
    * ``names`` (``list[tuple[str, str | None]]``) for ``Import``

* Support pyz imports
* Add ``node_ancestors`` method to ``NodeNG`` for obtaining the ancestors of nodes.
* It's now possible to infer the value of comparison nodes
* Fixed bug in inference of dataclass field calls.
