Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/audio/fasttracker2
From: Santhosh Raju
Date: 2021-12-16 09:30:43
Message id:

Log Message:
audio/fasttracker2: Update to v1.49

Changes since v1.48

v1.49 - 13.12.2021
- Fixed a bug when using Cut (or CTRL+X) on 16-bit samples in the sample
  editor. It would read data from the wrong offset.
- Kludge: Allow marking the very last sample points in the sample editor if the
  image is stretching out the whole screen in fullscreen mode.
- Mac:
  1) Fixed possible mouse coordinate scaling bug when leaving fullscreen
  2) Left Command key won't trigger song play anymore.
     Use the right Alt key for this. If you have an old Mac without a right Alt
     key, I suggest getting a newer computer (my first priority is modern
  3) Left Command key can now be used instead of Alt for:
      - Select all (A - sample/text editing)
      - Cut (X - sample/text editing)
      - Copy (C - sample/text editing)
      - Paste (V - sample/text editing)
- Updated the help text
