Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/chat/weechat
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2021-12-19 14:22:21
Message id:

Log Message:
weechat: update to 3.4

Version 3.4 (2021-12-18)

New features

* core: add support of static arrays in hdata
* core: add command /toggle
* api: add parameters pointers, extra_vars and options in function
* api: add user variables in evaluation of expressions with
* api: add IRC message parameters "param1" to "paramN" and \ 
  in output of irc_message_parse
* irc: allow quotes around IRC message in command /server fakerecv
* trigger: hide key and password in command "/msg nickserv setpass nick
  key password"
* trigger: add support of option "-server" when hiding passwords in
  command /msg nickserv register

Bug fixes

* core: fix memory leak in evaluated expression
  "split:number,seps,flags,xxx" when multiple "strip_items" \ 
are given
* core: fix random integer number with large range in evaluation of
  expressions on GNU/Hurd
* core: fix access to integer/long/time arrays in hdata
* api: fix search of option when the section is not given in functions
  config_search_option and config_search_section_option
* irc: fix join of channels with long name
* irc: fix parsing of parameters in all IRC messages
* irc: fix parsing of CAP message when there is no prefix
* irc: fix parsing of TAGMSG message when there is a colon before the
