Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/wm/xmonad
From: Masatake Daimon
Date: 2022-02-11 16:57:01
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to xmonad-0.17.0

0.17.0 (October 27, 2021)
* Migrated X.L.LayoutCombinators.(|||) into XMonad.Layout, providing the
  ability to directly jump to a layout with the JumpToLayout message.
* Recompilation now detects stack.yaml (can be a symlink) alongside
  xmonad.hs and switches to using stack ghc. We also updated
  with instructions for cabal-install that lead to correct recompilation.
* Deprecation warnings during recompilation are no longer suppressed to
  make it easier for us to clean up the codebase. These can still be
  suppressed manually using an OPTIONS_GHC pragma with -Wno-deprecations.
* Improve handling of XDG directories.
  * If all three of xmonad's environment variables (XMONAD_DATA_DIR,
    XMONAD_CONFIG_DIR, and XMONAD_CACHE_DIR) are set, use them.
  * If there is a build script called build (see these build scripts for
    usage examples) or configuration xmonad.hs in ~/.xmonad, set all three
    directories to ~/.xmonad.
  * Otherwise, use the xmonad directory in XDG_DATA_HOME, XDG_CONFIG_HOME,
    and XDG_CACHE_HOME (or their respective fallbacks). These directories
    are created if necessary.
* In the cases of 1. and 3., the build script or executable is expected to
  be in the config dir.
* Additionally, the xmonad config binary and intermediate object files were
  moved to the cache directory (only relevant if using XDG or
* Added Foldable, Functor, and Traversable instances for Stack.
* Added Typeable layout constraint to LayoutClass, making it possible to
  cast Layout back into a concrete type and extract current layout state
  from it.
* Export constructor for Choose and CLR from Module.Layout to allow
  pattern-matching on the left and right sub-layouts of Choose l r a.
* Added withUnfocused function to XMonad.Operations, allowing for X
  operations to be applied to unfocused windows.

Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug when using multiple screens with different dimensions,
  causing some floating windows to be smaller/larger than the size they
* Compatibility with GHC 9.0
* Fixed dunst notifications being obscured when moving

Breaking Changes
* Made (<&&>) and (<||>) non-strict in their right operand; \ 
i.e., these
  operators now implement short-circuit evaluation so the right operand is
  evaluated only if the left operand does not suffice to determine the
* Change ScreenDetail to a newtype and make RationalRect strict in its
* Added the extensibleConf field to XConfig which makes it easier for
  contrib modules to have composable configuration (custom hooks, …).
* util/GenerateManpage.hs is no longer distributed in the tarball. Instead,
  the manpage source is regenerated and manpage rebuilt automatically in
* DestroyWindowEvent is now broadcasted to layouts to let them know
  window-specific resources can be discarded.
