Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/R-remotes
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2022-04-29 16:56:16
Message id:

Log Message:
(devel/R-remotes) Updated 2.4.0 to 2.4.2

# remotes 2.4.2

* Gábor Csárdi is now the maintainer.
* `bioc_version()` now points to the most recent (2021-10-27) Bioconductor
  release, `v3.14` (@stufield, #664).

* Fix regex to handle user names in URL in `git_remote`, add
  regression tests (@achimgaedke, #646).

# remotes 2.4.1

* pkgbuild is no longer accidentally loaded even in standalone mode (#548)
* The internal GitHub token used to increase rate limits has been regenerated.
* Using `remote_package_name.git2r_remote` now passes credentials when
  looking up the package `DESCRIPTION` (#633, @rnorberg)

* Using `remote_package_name.git2r_remote` and
  `remote_package_name.xgit_remote`, http responses returning an
  invalid `DESCRIPTION` or that redirect to another page will now
  fallback to return `NA` instead of throwing an error when trying to
  parse the unexpected content (#628, @dgkf).

* Fix regex that breaks git protocol in `git_remote` (@niheaven #630).
* Clarify `github_pull()` documentation (@ms609 #640).
