Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/R-bslib
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2022-05-05 04:24:41
Message id:

Log Message:
(www/R-bslib) Updated to 0.3.1, make test passed

# bslib 0.3.1

## New features

* Upgraded Bootstrap 5 (i.e., `bs_theme(version = 5)`) from 5.0.2 to
  5.1.0 (#365)

## Bug fixes

* Closed rstudio/shiny#3519: `nav_menu()` (i.e.,
  `shiny::navbarMenu()`) wasn't producing an `.active` class on it's
  `.dropdown` container properly. (#372)

# bslib 0.3.0

## Breaking changes

* Closed rstudio/rmarkdown#2154: `{magrittr}`'s pipe operator (`%>%`)
  is no longer re-exported by `{bslib}`. Either `library(magrittr)` to
  make `%>%` available and/or use use R 4.1's pipe operator (`|>`).

## New features

* Closed #82: Added support for Bootstrap 5 (via `bs_theme(version =
  5)`). Bootstrap 4 remains the default in this release, but the next
  release, the default will likely change to Bootstrap 5.

## Bug fixes

* Closed #6: rmarkdown's .tabset-fade class now works with Bootstrap
  4+ since legacy use of .nav .fade is now officially supported in
  Bootstrap 4+. (#325)
