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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases
From: Nia Alarie
Date: 2022-05-21 12:38:26
Message id:
Log Message:
mariadb105: Update to 10.5.16
MariaDB 10.5.16 Release Notes
Notable Items
* innodb_disallow_writes removed (MDEV-25975)
* InnoDB gap locking fixes (MDEV-20605, MDEV-28422)
* InnoDB performance improvements (MDEV-27557, MDEV-28185)
* Server initialization time gtid_slave_pos purge related reason of
crashing in binlog background thread is removed (MDEV-26473)
* Shutdown of the semisync master can't produce inconsistent state
anymore (MDEV-11853)
* Binlogs disappear after rsync IST (MDEV-28583)
* autocommit=0 slave hang is eliminated (DBAAS-7828)
* master crash is eliminated in compressed semisync replication protocol
with packet counting amendment (MDEV-25580)
* OPTIMIZE on a sequence does not cause counterfactual
* Automatically generated Gtid_log_list_event is made to recognize
within replication event group as a formal member (MDEV-28550)
* Replication unsafe INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE using two or more
unique key values at a time with MIXED format binlogging is corrected
* Replication unsafe INSERT .. ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE stops issuing
unnessary "Unsafe statement" with MIXED binlog format (MDEV-21810)
* Incomplete replication event groups are detected to error out by the
slave IO thread (MDEV-27697)
* mysqlbinlog --stop-never --raw now flushes the result file to disk
after each processed event so the file can be listed with the actual
bytes (MDEV-14608)
* Incorrect binlogs after Galera SST using rsync and mariabackup
* mariabackup does not detect multi-source replication slave
* Useless warning "InnoDB: Allocated tablespace ID <id> for \
old maximum was 0" during backup stage (MDEV-27343)
* mariabackup prepare fails for incrementals if a new schema is created
after full backup is taken (MDEV-28446)
* A SEGV in Item_field::used_tables/update_depend_map_for_order...
* ANALYZE FORMAT=JSON fields are incorrect for UNION ALL queries
* Subquery in an UPDATE query uses full scan instead of range
* Assertion `item1->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM ... (MDEV-19398)
* Server crashes in Expression_cache_tracker::fetch_current_stats
* MariaDB server crash at Item_subselect::init_expr_cache_tracker
(MDEV-26164, MDEV-26047)
* Crash with union of my_decimal type in ORDER BY clause (MDEV-25994)
* SIGSEGV in st_join_table::cleanup (MDEV-24560)
* Assertion `!eliminated' failed in Item_subselect::exec (MDEV-28437)
* Server error messages are now available in Chinese (MDEV-28227)
* For RHEL/CentOS 7, non x86_64 architectures are no longer supported
upstream and so our support will also be dropped with this release
* Fixes for the following security vulnerabilities:
* CVE-2022-27376
* CVE-2022-27377
* CVE-2022-27378
* CVE-2022-27379
* CVE-2022-27380
* CVE-2022-27381
* CVE-2022-27382
* CVE-2022-27383
* CVE-2022-27384
* CVE-2022-27386
* CVE-2022-27387
* CVE-2022-27444
* CVE-2022-27445
* CVE-2022-27446
* CVE-2022-27447
* CVE-2022-27448
* CVE-2022-27449
* CVE-2022-27451
* CVE-2022-27452
* CVE-2022-27455
* CVE-2022-27456
* CVE-2022-27457
* CVE-2022-27458