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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/lang/npm
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2022-06-17 10:04:03
Message id:
Log Message:
npm: updated to 8.12.2
v8.12.2 (2022-06-15)
* deps: make-fetch-happen@10.1.7
* deps: cacache@16.1.1
v8.12.1 (2022-06-02)
Bug Fixes
* fix: undeprecate and remove warnings for --global, -g, --local (@fritzy)
v8.12.0 (2022-06-01)
* feat(init): reify on init new workspace (@ruyadorno)
* feat: Add --auth-type=webauthn flag (@jumoel)
Bug Fixes
* fix(arborist): use rawSpec for bundled and shrinkwrapped deps (@nlf)
* fix(libnpmexec): fix bug not install latest pkg (@jihunleekr)
* deps: make-fetch-happen@10.1.6
* deps: pacote@13.6.0
* deps: glob@8.0.3
* deps: minimatch@5.1.0
* deps: tap@16.2.0
* deps: @npmcli/arborist@5.2.1
* deps: libnpmexec@4.0.6
v8.11.0 (2022-05-25)
* feat: deprecated set-script, birthday, --global, and --local (@fritzy)
* feat(libnpmpack): bump pacote for better workspace awareness (@nlf)
Bug Fixes
* fix(ci): remove node_modules post-validation (@wraithgar)
* fix: clean up npm cache tests (@wraithgar)
ee3308a fix: remove dead code from get-identity (@wraithgar)
* fix: pass prefix and workspaces to libnpmpack (@nlf)
* fix: add global getter to npm class (@nlf)
* docs: update roadmap link in readme (@OmriBarZik)
* docs: fix broken link in changelog (@yonran)
* deps: cacache@16.1.0
* deps: make-fetch-happen@10.1.5
* deps: pacote@13.4.1
* deps: ssri@9.0.1
* deps: npm-packlist@5.0.4
* deps: pacote@13.5.0 npm-packlist@5.1.0
* deps: libnpmpack@4.1.0
v8.10.0 (2022-05-11)
* feat: add --iwr alias for --include-workspace-root (@fritzy)
* feat: add flag --omit-lockfile-registry-resolved (@fritzy) (Caleb ツ Everett)
Bug Fixes
* fix: remove test coverage map (@wraithgar)
* fix: cleanup star/unstar (@wraithgar)
* fix: consolidate bugs, docs, repo command logic (@wraithgar)
* fix(arborist): link deps lifecycle scripts (@ruyadorno)