Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/ruby-minitest
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2022-08-11 15:24:37
Message id:

Log Message:
devel/ruby-minitest: update to 5.16.2

5.16.2 (2022-07-03)

4 bug fixes:

* Added MT_KWARGS_HACK kludge for stub to deal with ruby 2.7 kwargs
  nastiness. (tsugimoto)

* In #expect, pop Hash class from args if $MT_KWARGS_HACK. (casperisfine)

* In above scenario, set expected kwargs (as Objects) based on actual

* Nuke ivars if exception fails to marshal twice (eg better_errors).

5.16.1 (2022-06-20)

2 bug fixes:

* Apparently adding real kwarg support to mocks/stubs broke some
  code. Fixed.

	o Use `MT_KWARGS_HACK=1` to activate the kludgy kwargs support w/

* Clarified some doco wrt the block on #stub.

5.16.0 (2022-06-14)

2 major enhancements:

* Added Minitest::TestTask.

* Dropping ruby 2.2 - 2.5. 2.6 is DTM soon too.

11 minor enhancements:

* Added –show-skips option to show skips at end of run but not require
  –verbose. (MSP-Greg)

* Added Minitest.seed, the random seed used by the run.

* Calling `srand Minitest.seed` before all shuffles to ensure determinism.

* Extended #stub to handle kwargs for both block and call args.

* Extended Mock#__call to display kwargs.

* Extended Mock#expect to record kwargs.

* Extended Mock#method_missing to take kwargs & compare them against

* Mock#method_missing displays better errors on arity mismatch.

* Removed minor optimization removing empty suites before run.

* Simplified test randomization (test order will change even with fixed

* assert_match now returns the MatchData on success. (Nakilon)

3 bug fixes:

* (Re)Fixed marshalling of exceptions, neutering them in 2 passes.

* Fixed more problems with rdoc.

* Had to patch up mock and stub to deal with <=2.7 kwargs oddities
