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Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/sysutils/py-borgbackup
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2022-08-22 13:10:13
Message id:
Log Message:
py-borgbackup: update to 1.2.2.
Version 1.2.2 (2022-08-20)
Compatibility notes:
- matching of path patterns has been aligned with borg storing relative paths.
Borg archives file paths without leading slashes. Previously, include/exclude
patterns could contain leading slashes. You should check your patterns and
remove leading slashes.
- dropped support / testing for older Pythons, minimum requirement is 3.8.
In case your OS does not provide Python >= 3.8, consider using our binary,
which does not need an external Python interpreter. Or continue using
borg 1.1.x, which is still supported.
- freeing repository space only happens when "borg compact" is invoked.
- mount: the default for --numeric-ids is False now (same as borg extract)
- borg create --noatime is deprecated. Not storing atime is the default behaviour
now (use --atime if you want to store the atime).
- --prefix is deprecated, use -a / --glob-archives, see #6806
- list: corrected mix-up of "isomtime" and "mtime" formats.
Previously, "isomtime" was the default but produced a verbose human \
while "mtime" produced a ISO-8601-like format.
The behaviours have been swapped (so "mtime" is human, \
"isomtime" is ISO-like),
and the default is now "mtime".
"isomtime" is now a real ISO-8601 format ("T" between date \
and time, not a space).
- create/recreate --list: file status for all files used to get announced *AFTER*
the file (with borg < 1.2). Now, file status is announced *BEFORE* the file
contents are processed. If the file status changes later (e.g. due to an error
or a content change), the updated/final file status will be printed again.
- removed deprecated-since-long stuff (deprecated since):
- command "borg change-passphrase" (2017-02), use "borg key \
- option "--keep-tag-files" (2017-01), use \
- option "--list-format" (2017-10), use "--format"
- option "--ignore-inode" (2017-09), use "--files-cache" \
w/o "inode"
- option "--no-files-cache" (2017-09), use \
- removed BORG_HOSTNAME_IS_UNIQUE env var.
to use borg you must implement one of these 2 scenarios:
- 1) the combination of FQDN and result of uuid.getnode() must be unique
and stable (this should be the case for almost everybody, except when
having duplicate FQDN *and* MAC address or all-zero MAC address)
- 2) if you are aware that 1) is not the case for you, you must set
BORG_HOST_ID env var to something unique.
- exit with 128 + signal number, #5161.
if you have scripts expecting rc == 2 for a signal exit, you need to update
them to check for >= 128.
New features:
- prune/delete --checkpoint-interval=1800 and ctrl-c/SIGINT support, #6284
- SaveFile: use a custom mkstemp with mode support, #6933, #6400, #6786.
This fixes umask/mode/ACL issues (and also "chmod not supported" \
seen in 1.2.1) of files updated using SaveFile, e.g. the repo config.
- hashindex_compact: fix eval order (check idx before use), #5899
- create --paths-from-(stdin|command): normalize paths, #6778
- secure_erase: avoid collateral damage, #6768.
If a hardlink copy of a repo was made and a new repo config shall be saved,
do NOT fill in random garbage before deleting the previous repo config,
because that would damage the hardlink copy.
- list: fix {flags:<WIDTH>} formatting, #6081
- check: try harder to create the key, #5719
- misc commands: ctrl-c must not kill other subprocesses, #6912
- borg create with a remote repo via ssh
- borg create --content-from-command
- borg create --paths-from-command
- (de)compression filter process of import-tar / export-tar
Other changes:
- deprecate --prefix, use -a / --glob-archives, see #6806
- make setuptools happy ("package would be ignored"), #6874
- fix pyproject.toml to create a fixed file, compatible with both
old and new setuptools_scm version, #6875
- automate asciinema screencasts
- CI: test on macOS 12 without fuse / fuse tests
(too troublesome on github CI due to kernel extensions needed by macFUSE)
- tests: fix test_obfuscate byte accounting
- repository: add debug logging for issue #6687
- _chunker.c: fix warnings on macOS
- requirements.lock.txt: use the latest cython 0.29.32
- docs:
- add info on man page installation, #6894
- update archive_progress json description about "finished", #6570
- json progress_percent: some values are optional, #4074
- FAQ: full quota / full disk, #5960
- correct shell syntax for installation using git